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THE CRAZY CAT (in 2 parts) PART 1



This past week has been an awful week!!!


As those of you know from my blogs or come to chat, I have been having trouble getting the building permit so that I can have a modular home set in a rural area- on wetland. You also know that I am living at my sisters and she has 2 cats; I have a 6 lb. chihuahua. And you know, that the older cat by about 6 months is a short-haired common white cat- very sweet and terribly stupid as well as being a wimp. His name is Pinky because of his pink nose etc. I call him Mr. Pinky because he is the only male in the house - neutered male. The other cat Little Kitty is female (also spayed) long-haired, looks like a Maine black person so is large, tiger striped , smart and a "female dog". She hates me and my dog as well and the longer we are here, it doesn't get better. And, you also know she has spit at me and used her claws when all I would do is walk by her- too close. The rule for the longest time was if I wasn't in the house, Snooty, the chi, had to stay closed in our bedroom. Now though, she will allow Snooty to be in the same room and all 3 animals enjoy my sister's bedroom, Little Kitty, on the bed; Mr. Kitty on the comfortable chair and Snooty on the floor where the sun comes in the window. The other thing I must say is that Little Kitty is a night cat and will stay outside and enjoy the air, either while sitting on a chait im the patio, on the stairs leading to the balcony oron rare ocassions in front of the house under my car sometimes until 5:30 in the am. Pinky may go out for a few minutes but then comes in and goes to bed.


My permit did not come, but an email denying the permit did. I turned to the DEP (Department of Ecological Protection) for advice and suggestions since they work closely with the ACOE (Army Corps of Engineers) whose permit you must get in order for the DEP and County permits can take effect. They usually respond right away but when nothing came, not even an email stating that they could not help me by Wednesday night, I was quite upset. I couldn't sleep well because I had to get up at 4 am to go to work Thursday. and I "was waiting for the alarm to go off". I got to the job in plenty of time and managed to stay awake. When I finally was able to drag myself into the car and arrived home, the first thing I did was to check the answering machine in my sister's room, being careful to notice which cat was on the bed; it was Pinkie and so I petted him and came upstairs to go on the computer. The time was about 1:40. At 3:00 I had to leave for Stroke Support and as computer was shutting down, I saw a message from the DEP and it was great news. They were going to contact the ACOE and see if they could resolve some of the mess. I quickly left and attended the meeting, passed out about the Monday "support" meetings I was having and got back home at about 5:15 pm and came upstairs to my computer to wait for my sister to come and tell her the good news. Of course we spent some time speaking about it. I came back to chat and the computer. Later that night when it was time for the kitties to go to bed, she asked me if I had seen Pinkie. I told her that the last time I saw him was 1:40. We started to look for him and call him since this was unlike him but no Pinkie could be found. All doors were opened (to the 2 attics and the other rooms on the second floor which are not used except when family comes) all cabinets, because he likes to get in them and hide when it rains (and there had been a shower) everywhere, but he wasn't in the house. She went outside and called him and he didn't show up. She walked to the street north of this one which gets a lot of traffic during the day and early evening hours but no Pinkie's body, and I got in the car and drove for several blocks and around the circle we are on (about 1/2 mile) and found no cat that had been hit. So the wait for a few hours in case he did decide to stay out, but by morning he still wasn't home.

Part II: Tomorrow


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Well "CONGRATS!" on finally getting some piece of positive good news on your land thingy. Sheesh, it's about time and long overdue. Hope things get rolling now...Question: when the meanie cat spits at you, do you spit back..LOL! Snooty must enjoy laying on the floor in the sun, bet it feels so good. Okay..cat story to be continued.........

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Hi Phil


Hay congrats on the news about getting on with getting your land thingy straightened out! I hope everything works out good for you.


OK now you have me on the edge of my seat with the cat story. A simple, (two part) unexpected, (disappeared) concrete, (we all relate) creditable (told by Phil) emotional, (lost cat) story (story).


You have included all of the elements for SUCCESs.


Can't wait for part II. Hope we have a happy ending. ( I love happy endings)


Till tomorrow then. (or is that today)


Smiles :)




ps Is there Pepsi in the fridge?




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hey phyllis:


congratulations on your permit it was long overdue, and I am raying for safe return of your sister's pinkie cat.




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I do hope and pray that everything finally falls into place so you and your "chi" can bask and relax on your own property. You deserve this isue to be resolved very soon.


I also hope kitty has been found by now safe and sound. I know on my end, Crystal continues to keep us on our toes by finding new hidey holes. And now...we have a new addition who, as she's sooooo tiny, can almost disappear. You can read about Lili dear in my blog.

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