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New Addition to family and other stuff



Yesterday (Sunday) was interesting in our humble abode. Ya see, we have acquired a new addition to our family - a 9 week old female light brown tabby. Her name is Lili. She's quite darling from the bit of time we've actually seen her. We got her from a posting on Freecycle (a yahoo group) where all is free. She arrived around 3 pm - she was scared to death but briefly checked out the dining room on her way to the basement/family room where we later found her under the sofa. Kristi walked to the store and purchased kitten food - nothing has been consumed yet. Last evening, Kristi was able to bring her up to the living room and...until the phone rang...she cuddled with me on the sofa. Her eyes are huge and my guess is she weighs maybe a pound.


And......how is Miss Crystal dealing with her new sister you probably ask? Well......Kristi is getting hissed at if she even looks at Crystal. As I am typing this though, Crystal is upstairs on Kristi's bed either pouting or scheming how to get rid of Lili. Crystal has ben friendly with me though and let me love on her this morning. Lili is in the living room under furniture occasionally meowing. Last night as I was getting settled for the night in my room, Miss Crystal was mouthing off - I can only assume that Lili had made her presence known. Times will be interesting here as we all adjust to the newest member of the family.


Lili's arrival helped to smooth my ruffled feathers as the Steelers lost in overtime 19-16 to the Jets. This game took everyone by surprise. It appears that our beloved team can win when they are up against a tough team but lose to those whom they should easily defeat. Next game, Monday Night Football against the Dolphins - hard to say what will happen. At least the Jets are not in our division - we are still 1st place in our division...yes...I am justifying....it's part of licking wounds.


On a very definite and positive/proud moment, Kristi received her first High School Report card....High Honor...5 A's and 2 B's. The B's were in PE and Algebra 2 (she missed an A by 3 points).


Looking forward to Thanksgiving with family. We're to spend turkey-eve with my Auntie and Cousins/families and Thanksgiving Day at my Nephew's. Plus, we're getting a small turkey and trimmings to make here over the weekend. Friday...day after Thanksgiving...I'll be seeing my new PC for the first time. She is my Brother's Doc and comes highly recommended. Kristi and I both will be getting flu shots and I have a ton of questions for her. (already have part of my subject material for next blog update)


Happy Thanksgiving one and all...gobble, gobble :D


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Awwwww! a new pretty kitty..cute name, it sounds so sophisticated. Crystal will come around...I'm sure the cute Kitty will win her heart. Sorry you're team didn't win this last game but the season isn't over. Wish you good food, good drink and good company on Turkey Day! Have a blast!

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Among some of the other stuff, I hope this winter up there goes pretty well for you after living in Arizona for so long. That's quite a climate difference. Do you miss Arizona at times?

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donna congrats on your new addition. i'm sure the girls will get along in time. you have done a good thing by providing a good home to a critter that would have probably ended up in a shelter. her name is a good , strong one, i'm sure each day with her is something to look forward to, as is your holidays with your family after so long apart. kristi's report card was a great one. i bet you are so proud of her. i hope you both have a great turkey feast with the family. have fun and be safe. gobble, gobble to you too. sorry about your team's loss but there is always the next game. good luck.

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Glad Lily came to a great house. Miss Crystal will eventually give in.. She has been Queen Sheba for quite some time.With 6 dogs.. we have a "dominant order" here and get grumbles and growls. but no real fights. Miss Molly can look and sound quite fierce at times.... Have great fun with the relatives........ Way ro Go Kristi. :)Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

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that is soooocool about the new kitty. i love kittens - with their little tails up in the air - so cute! great name - lily - and crystal will get her wiskers untwisted soon. even cooler are the grades kristi came home with. do you like need safety pins on your buttons to keep them from popping off with pride? also, best of luck at the doctor's visit and have a great gobble,gobble day!cheers! kathy


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