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My 2 Beautiful Girls



Here's my 2 girls hamming it up together. This week has been a good one - especially being a STEELER fan :cheer: The Steelers whupped the Ravens in Monday Night Football and beat their rivals (the Browns) today 31-28. My Terrible Towel is definitely going to be classified as the Terrible Pile of Strings by the end of the season.


Other than that, the week motored along fairly well. I got us signed up for the budget payment plan with the gas company as well as applied for an energy assistance program through the state. I also checked into housing assistance programs and both programs through the state and county are closed (figures :o ) with no idea as to when they will re-open to accept applications. Financially, we're making ends meet for the first time in a long time - but then cost of living is less than what it was in AZ. There's just not any money for extras or for wish lists. Also this week I applied for the county's medical transport assistance program - of course they will take me somewhere to test me and my disabilities in order to qualify for door-to-door service. My Auntie (who is also disabled and is 100% wheelchair bound) was initially expected to roll herself to the bus stop until her doctor got involved. The fact I can maneuver very short distances will probably go against me but we'll see. There is no way I could safely climb onto or depart a bus, as much as I wish I could.


There are things that are definitely out of my control so I must keep my faith.


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hey Donna:


your both girls look lovely. you are one strong woman, trying to figure out and fight the system


god luck in medical trnsporttion, even redcross also provides medical reansportation, and their volunteers are better.




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Dear Donna--I was crushed the Ravens lost to the Steelers (the last time I wrote you, I told you I hoped the Steelers would win unless they were playing the Ravens. Little did I know). Anyway, I thought of you waving your TT during the game. Congratulations.


I just don't know what is wrong w/ the Ravens this year. They are not doing well at all. Take Care. LK

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Great picture of your girls! I wish good things for you Donna and hope things work out for you in the long run!

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