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Well I have been dreading todays Bone Density exam.... Last time I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I have been taking my vitamins, extra D, folic acid and calcium. Today's scan was better than last.. I still have osteoporosis but the numbers are better.


before I was a -4.1 today was -3.7. in my back and my hip before was -2.4 and today -2.1


Not great progress but I am happy. I am a "klutz" and Fall ..... so far nothing broken and I have had a couple pretty good falls.


I will need to make an appointment.. probably after Christmas and go in to find out about my right shoulder. Before stroke I had rotator cuff surgery and a bone spur removed on the left side. They had to shorten the tendon at that time and I had extensive PT on it, That is one of the reasons I think I got movement back, and did not get a sublaxated shoulder.


The pain with movement is getting worse on the right. I have heard sometimes they can do repair laparascopically now.


Tomorrow I will start baking. We are going to John's sister's house for Thanksgiving Dinner. I am to bring green bean casserole and dessert. I want to get a few extra bannana nut breads made for little gifts and one for the freezer.


The "kids" are coming over from Eastern Washington, but they are going to Bear's mom's house for dinner. I think they will be dropping off Bill here, he wants to go with us. (I was going to call my sister-in law and warn her to cook an extra turkey...LOL Bill is 141/2 years old, 6'.5" and 228 lbs.. he is getting close to ducking in the doorways. He completed football season. they had the football banquet. He received an engraved football key chain for not missing any practices or games. He had several sacks this year, and the coaches tell him he has a LOT of potential :)




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I hurt so much in so many places I don't know what all I got now but it all hurt. I see the arthritis doctor, the neurologist, the VA doctors and my PCP. I take massage therapy, shots in my joints and I still feel my stroke is getting me weaker and weaker. I just don't know which way to turn anymore.


I wish you the best and a happy turkey day. I plan on trying to fry one "myself", my wife say no way, but I am going to attempt to do it on my own. I bought the fryer and the oil and the turkey. I really like it fried now.

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Fred, for as long as I have known you. you have been a believer; therefore, put your body in Who you believe in. In some strange way, it's proven it works.


As for your fried turkey, I have never had any. I guess though that because I love fried food, I'd love it. I know it's popular here in the south. I suppose our northern cousins perfer to roast the bird because all that roasting and baking, as well as make the home smell good, also heats the home. I agree -of course I don't have to live with your wife - go for it! You've got all you need to do it so go man go! Just tell the good Mrs . King that since you are making the turkey, she can make all of the healthy things like veggies. LOL!


Bonnie, your tests have proven your way of treating osterporosis must be working. Any change for the good, no matter how small, is a positive.


I can smell the desserts now.........


I really enjoyed reading about your grandson. He certainly is a big one!. Tell him if the coach thinks he has the potential to go for it. He appears to have the physical requirements. If he wishes to go to college, this is the way to go because unfortunately (perhaps) atheletic scholarships usually include everything, and with todays expenses, that is a big help. That, of course doesn't mean that studies are to be overlooked. From there, if he can continue to excel, he can get a chance with the pros, and from there, if he is smart and doesn't blow the money he makes at it, he is set for life. If, in the end though, he decides not to go further, he will have his education paid for. The bright side also is that if he does go pro, he always has his degree when those days are over. Not all young men have that opportunity.


Have a great time with the family and as I do and everyone should, enjoy the holiday! Eat to your heart's content, well almost if you have problems such as diabetes or high cholerterol and then, the theory from dieticians is if it is hard to resist, just cut the portion sizes of those things and figure them into your diet plan.

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bonnie that is great news on your tests. keep doing what your doing it obviously is working. your grandson sounds like a pro in the making, congrats to him. could you send an extra banana bread my way,lol i hope you and your family have a great thanksgiving, sounds like you will be eating well.

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I'm glad the test results showed an improvement. Keep on keeping on with what you're doing. Hope your right arm starts doing better. I 2nd Kim's offer to take any extra banana bread off your hands :D As to fine strapping grandson of yours, perhaps one day he'll be a pro and even be be drafted by the STEELERS.


Fred, I've never had fried Turkey but it does sound delish.


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hi bonnie!

glad to hear your supplements are helping to improve your bones! keep up the good work. bill sounds like a pro in the making - i would mention the patriots recruiting him but do not want to cause donna anymoe football grief! (the pats did win on sunday) ooops, could not help myself...........have fun baking and enjoy turkey day...gobble, gobble. cheers, kathy

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