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Snow and exercise



Ah, snow! Just a few inches so far, but more forecast. Cool and windy also, 1 degree this AM, wind up to 30MPH today. Winter is here!


The main purpose of writing today is exercise and recovery. I am firmly convinced that muscle stretching is vital, especially early on. After my stroke spacisity in the left arm and shoulder was a real problem. I asked my stroke rehab Dr. what to do about it. His answer was "if I knew what to do about spacisity I would be retired in the Bahamas". He prescribed more pills which I took for a few weeks and then quit. His attempt at humor was not well received here. I then asked my PT when we were going to work on left arm strength. His reply was "shoulder first, then we'll see about the arm". My arm continued to curl up and become more useless as did the hand. I told Lesley that I was losing my left arm day by day. Then came Saeboflex. Regular readers here know the result. After much other PT/OT, then came active release. Eureka! I found it!. The arm straightened out and became functional again. Cortisone shots in both shoulders at the same time took away most shoulder pain, making aggressive exercise possible. I still get shots every 3-4 months. Before the active release, Lesley helped me stretch the arm. Stretching muscles that want to curl up is vital! I do a shoulder stretching exercise everyday still, along with a few others. Nothing exotic, just the shoulder back pinch, then a roll forward as far as possible, pulling the left shoulder forward with the right hand and bending to the right pulling the left side tight.


I was scheduled for Botox treatment at one time, but canceled it at the last moment as I seemed to be improving thru other efforts. I no longer take muscle relaxers at all. It seems to be a cascading effect, as one thing improves, it allows me to work on the remaining problems, and all continues to get better.

The Saeboflex got the hand moving and helped the arm, the Cortisone shots allowed the active release to work, etc.


The best I can tell others is that early efforts are tough and painful, but the results can be dramatic. Unfortunately, without work early on and a variety of treatments, the results are predictable. I am firmly convinced that my left arm and hand would be curled up against my chest today, useless, without the muscle stretching Lesley and I did early on.


Every stroke and situation is different. Some may need Botox to get past severe spacisity and make exercise possible. I understand that. But once the Botox is done, don't sit around and let things return to where they were! Do whatever you can to work what you have left as much as possible!


The one area I have not been able to solve is the wrist. It still feels like a steel band is around it. Less now than before, but still there. The good news is that finger and hand dexterity are nearly back to normal. Swelling has gone away, I recently was able to put my wedding ring back on, much to Lesley's relief.


Activity is the vital key to all of this, Doctors, PT/OT's, pills, etc, all play a useful part in recovery, but the real and final key is inside you. I have gone on long enough, don't give up!!!!

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I agree w/ you about exercising. I think its vitally important to recovery. On days that I really don't feel well and cannot drag myself to exercise, I feel it the next day. So no matter how badly I feel, I try to do some kind of exercise everyday. The funny thing I have discovered is that sitting still is really bad on my body, so I exercise throughout the day. Take Care. LK
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