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Update and Other Stuff



With the holidays fast approching, I thought I would drop a line in my blog. It's been a few months.


Lisa is doing well. Still going to therapy 3 days a week, but not improving much. She is maintaining a reasonable level of movement. Her dad is no longer taking her though. Lisa has a PCA that comes everyday from 8-4:30 while I am at work. It has been great for her to have someone to talk to. I come home after work and usually dinner is ready. Takes one thing of my list to do every day. Next week, Lisa and her PCA will be going to the mall to finish our Christmas shopping.


The kids are good. Our daughter is very busy with high school things. This week she is in the school play 4 nights, hockey season has started so cheerleading at those, and she made the small group choir and has tons of performances this month for the holidays. Luckily, she is a good student and homework is not an issue. On topof that, she was accepted to an Art School in the Cities. Both of them will be down there. Our son moved to the Twin Cities in Oct. and loves it down there. He is attending school at the Institute of Production and Recording (record producing). If you have read my Blog, you might remember that he is the original "plain white rapper". I thought he was crazy for going to this school. It is VERY EXPENSIVE! Most of his school time is spent in, if you can believe it, Prince's old studio. He also has an internship at a local studio in Minneapolis to gain more studio time. Says he is far ahead of most of his class mates.


I plug along. I still am so indifferent to everything. It has been 2 years since everything happened, and I'm still ? I haven't been able to accept my role. I don't know. I'm not getting much support from her family anymore.

I don't know what their deal is. How can they donate so much of their time to others and only help their daughter about 2 hours a week? I can't say anything to them. It would be UG-LY! I digress.


Moving has been put on hold for a little while because of the market. It's going to happen at some time, but were in no rush anymore. We are going to let prices go up a bit before we sell. It won't be long.


That's it!! I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays.




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Butch, I find after eight years as a caregiver that life gets very "ho hum" from time to time. The relatives rally around for the emergencies, then go back to their old life. We stay with the program and deal with the day-to-day problems.


Glad you blogged again. I always wonder what happened to my favourite people here, yourself and Lisa included.


Have a happy holiday season. There is a life to lead that is satisfying, pushing your survivor past what others thought achievable is one of my goals. I give myself an occassional break and hope you do too.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I agree with Sue 1and 100%, initially all family members does rally around but later on they get busy with their life and you have to deal with daily challenges, that's why find that metime for yourself to get yourself charged up again with your current situation. I think all of us caregivers,survivors have to walk on path of that acceptance road, my husband's way of dealing with situation is make best out of what he got and appreciate every little things, that's how I too am able to cope this stupid stroke, life is different post stroke but still satisfying for me. hope you have great holidays this season.




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Hi Butch, good to hear from you again.. Congrats on your children doing well in school and their acheivements.Glad Lisa has the PCA who seems to help her, and she gets some socialization also. Life does get kind of ho hum.. I try to keep a little routine.. it often goes by the wayside.... I'm not sure if all of it is stroke related or some of it is just getting a little older. People tend to go back to their "own" lifes.Try to take sometime when you can.. it is important to you and your own sanity. Sometimes it is hard to "change" roles.. but you are first a husband, and dad. Things may not be as they once were... but life doesn't stand still and there are always changes. I was a caregiver to a former husband (who passed away).... Life is a challenge.... sometimes we have to look back.. and see how far we have come.I'm sorry Lisa's family is not helping more.. maybe you can drop a subtle hint.. Like oh, Lisa is missing you since she only sees you a couple hrs a week. Or gee maybe you can take Lisa to lunch on... since her PCA doesnt come on that day she is kind of lonely.Best Wishes to you all

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