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Good news and not so good news



My last blog entry was right after the new year. This past week has been full of ups and downs, highs and lows. My dear Brother has been in Arizona visiting and staying with his mother - I know, she's mine as well but for my sanity I try to squelch that fact. He flew out on Jan 8th and will return home some time tomorrow (15th).


On Thursday (10th) I had an evaluation for medical transportation. I went with my hemi-walker. The transportation company did provide me with a ride to and from which was an interesting feat all in itself. First of all, the driver was early so I had to scramble to get outside. I was picked up in a mini-bus and driver had parked it out on the street - he said he couldn't help me get to bus. I managed to get to almost end of property to where it was steeper before street. The driver did help me there the last few steps down to the street. He did give me an "upmf" up the few steps into the bus as well and seat belted me in. Once we arrived in town, he got me into the building then I was on my own. With no difficulties, fortunately, I got myself into the waiting room. The gal who was interviewing and taking my picture was very sweet. The therapist was from the Easter Seals (she comes in and conducts the evaluations for the medical transport) I was put through various exercises including a timed simulation of crossing an intersection (I would've been run over probably if it was a real life situation). The therapist and I also walked outside (no street crossing thankfully). She then walked me back into the lobby of the building to wait for my ride back home. Unofficially, I was approved for medical transportation. I'll get the official word in 2-3 weeks. The ride home was non-eventful and I got in safe and sound. I was exhausted and in bed quite early.


On Friday (11th) I had appt. with my PC to review all test results. Mark, who works for my Brother, transported me. He and his Wife are totally SUPER.

Anyway...test results....diabetes and cholesterol under control, carotid Doppler - nothing to be concerned about, stress test - 1st part of test was excellent; however, during nuclear medicine part of the test there was a possible abnormality discovered - I may have ischemic heart disease. Before I left the office, they scheduled an appointment for me with a Cardiologist for tomorrow (15th). My doc also wrote script for lopressor (generic of course) and changed my lisinopril hctz to straight lisinopril 10 mg. She told me to take it easy - no over-exertion or stress. I also will be having additional blood work done as there was elevated readings in renal something or other.


So....at this point I'm trying to chill out as much as possible.


My nephew and his girlfriend came over Friday evening and asked if they could move in with us for a while. He was told that it was against the lease and he'd have to speak to his brother/our landlord. The way he spoke to me, it would only be for a few weeks - the way he spoke with Kristi, a few months.

They left and Kristi went to spend the night with cousins and see the movie Juno. Kristi had texted his Sister and in Taffy's words - "once he gets in you won't get him out".


This Monday (14th) - a bit ago Kristi called me from achool and said that Joey had sent her a text message saying they're moving in. I called my nephew/landlord and spoke with Billy. Billy said that Joey had called him yesterday while he was in checkout at grocery store. Billy told Joey it's between me and Joey but he did tell Joey NO parties. Billy said he wasn't sure if his Dad knew any of this or not. I then called my Dear Brother. He was quite surprised as he had not spoken to Joey since before he left for AZ. He had helped Joey and Angel get the motel room they've been staying in cheaper than the normal price of $100/night. As Joe said, Kristi and I are the only ones who haven't rejected Joey as of yet. Joe did say that, if Joey does actually come to stay that I should have a list of rules and regulations that MUST be followed. I told Joe about doc appt - Mark had filled him in on me seeing the cardiologist (and guys say we women are bad with talking :yadayada: lol). Joe is to call here when he arrives back in Pittsburgh (1-15) to see what's going on with me as well as Joey).


Please everyone pray for my sanity and peace of mind and that all goes well.


Yesterday morning (13th) my stupid drop foot caused a problem. As I was getting out of bed and going to bathroom, my foot and ankle flopped over. I didn't fall but her 2 "pops". I've been hobbling around since then. Don't think there's a fracture as I can get my AFO on and off. There is some swelling tho. I sat yesterday with it elevated a good bit of the time. I'm falling apart or so it seems.


On brighter note - of course as proud Mom - prior to Christmas break in Kristi's Civics Class they were working on a project dealing with Presidential Election. The teacher assigned a project of a mock election - Kristi was selected as democratic nominee. Last Tuesday (8th) she had to present her campaign speech to the class preceding the actual mock election. I'm now the President's Mom lol That was definitely the highlight of the week.


One other definite highlight - our bathroom is now Lili-proofed. My cousin messed with the door and the latch - it now closes and little tint terror cannot get the door open - Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!


Recommended Comments

Donna, maybe you should sit Joey down and explain the new medical diagnosis and what the Dr told you... NO STRESS.


The only other thing I can think of is a step by step set of rules...


Including food... kitchen cleaning. Routines and times for showers and cleaning duties.. SPELLED out in black and white. Your utility bill will go up. so make sure you have some kind of money for higher utilities, more cleaning supplies.. etc etc etc.


Also TV? do they have their own.. will they be watching yours? noise level.. bed times.. quiet times..


From the feedback you are receiving.. you are not getting the best guests....


A date to be OUT by... wether it is Feb 29th,2008 or?


If you let someone in, if you do not have things spelled out and signed, it could become a real nightmare. Causing you the expense of an attorney for an eviction notice.





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Guest lwisman




My recommendation is that you say no. With your current medical assessment it does not seem wise to take on more stress. The fact that everyone else has rejected them should tell you something.


BTW, surely they could find somewhere to rent for less than a motel room is costing??


Good luck!!


Congrats on finding a way to solve the Lilli problem. Maybe she will grow out of the problem?? :bouncing_off_wall:

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hi donna (aka the president's mom)

you really have raised a great girl there - i think you should give yourself a big pat on the back. the drop foot issue is so scarey - i am glad you did not injure yourself badly. i am always lurching around.

as far as joey and the girlfriend - i would say NO! you need to focus on your health needs - remember the doc said no stress? sounds like you are getting stress already from the decision process. the whole thing sounds like trouble and i doubt setting boundries would work with this kid. so my opinion is to take care of yourself and kristi. kathy p.s. so glad you were able to out smart lili!

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wow you have been busy, I too will agree with Lin, you should say NO to joey, he has been trouble for other family members, whats make you think he will behave in your house, you defintely don't need more stress in your life with unruly nephew. He can find rental apartments somewhere closer.


I hope and pray your medical problems are taken care with drugs, and hopefully your ankle is just strained & will heal in few days. Congratulations in becoming mom of president, made me also proud Aunt.




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Donna, I have to agree with the others, don't let them move in!! Enabling behavior on your part will not teach them to learn to stand up on their own two feet. At this point in your life you must be concerned with your health. Period. If against all advice you cave in, you MUST have written rules signed in advance and an "exit" date. Some of the rules mentioned by others are an excellent place to start. No matter how much they promise to not increase your stress level, it WILL go up. Guaranteed!! DON'T DO IT!!

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donna, bless your heart. you have had a stressful week. family can sometimes be the worst of problem starters. i agree with the others, you don't need the stress or the loss of your personal space. sounds like he needs to grow up and not burden family anymore. i bet brother will get this all sorted out. i hope your cardiologist has good news for you today. congrats to kristi too on her election. lili will now have to find a new plaything to occupy her, which i'm sure she will, lol i'm sure you will be approved for the transportation. please don't stress over anything right now. you need to take care of yourself and kristi, no one else. let joe take care of this. i hope you have a better week. i will be checking on you.

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From someone who is older and wiser - been there, done that - your answer to Joey and his girlfriend should be NO. Rules, written or otherwise, won't mean a hill of beans.


Good luck.



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