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New Year's Eve & My 3 yr Anniversary



Kristi, the "girls" and I spent New Year's Eve at home. We were to go to a party with my brother but the weather forecast called for rain/snow showers so we stayed home. Good thing we did as Bro-dear partied hearty and had a massive hangover yesterday when he drove Kristi to Target. He admitted to Kristi, not me, of how close he'd been to getting a DUI. Thankfully for him and for other drivers, he made it home safe and sound.


For our New Year's Eve, we rented 2 movies through Comcast: Georgia Rule and Premonition. Both excellent movies - I recommend seeing them if you haven't already. At midnight we toasted with non-allcoholic cold duck (nasty stuff - I like sparkling cider better but Giant Eagle was sold out). Shortly after midnight Kristi and the "girls" went to bed - I rejoined New Year's Eve Chat - what fun we had. We east coasters (Phyllis and I) helped ring in the new year for the rest of the time zones - way cool :clap:


At 3 am I departed chat and shut down the computer and ventured to the 2nd floor of our humble abode. I crawled under the covers at 4 am and was wakened at 9:30 by a certain 15 yr. old who hadn't known what time I got to bed - nor did she care when I told her :SLEEPING: Yesterday, New Year's Day, was my 3 year anniversary. We cruised through the day much more relaxed than in the years previously. Being here in Pittsburgh and closer to family is the definite reason for the calmness. Of course, we did talk about how we both are thinking about our friends in AZ - the funeral for Alina's mother will be Thursday - noon our time. Thankfully, Alina still has her Dad, Brother, and other family and friends with her. Life is so fragile. I told Kristi that, God forbid, should something happen to me she has family close by. I was promptly informed that I'm not going anywhere anytime soon.


Kristi and I did discuss New Year's Resolutions - mine is to continue working on improvements and hers is to start running when the weather warms up.


Before our traditional New Year's Day dinner of pork and sauerkraut, we rented another movie through Comcast - Wild Hogs. Another super selection. As I was sooooo exhausted, I retired to my room around 6:30. Kristi did ask if I was having another stroke (bless her heart - as THAT particular year I had spent the entire New Year's Eve in bed. I re-assured her I was just tired as "someone" wouldn't let me sleep. I was sound asleep by 8:30. Good thing for me cos this morning, at 6 am I was awakened when she HAD to inform me they were on a 2-hour delay for school. I had to smile though as today was first day back to school after Christmas break and she was wearing the sweater I got her for Christmas.


I was on the computer when she left for school all bundled up in her fake ugg boots, very warm jacket, and matching knit hat, scarf and gloves which she received from my cousin and her family for Christmas. We didn't get much snow accumulated but the temp is nasty (wind chill factor is single digits). I'm thankful I'm indoors snuggled and warm with a mug of hot tea next to me :thumbs up:


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Guest lwisman


Congrats on your third anniversary Donna. Here's to many more. :forgive_me?:


I have thought for years that New Years Eve is a great time to stay home. Just too many people out there and too much drinking. The roads are definitely not safe. We had snow here too, which made the roads even worse. So we stayed in. Actually, my sister was going to go to a party at some friends, but changed her mind with the weather forecast.


BTW, our weather here is weird. Down in the single digits last night and this morning with wind chills -20. By Sunday it is suppose to be 50. Is this global warming causing the bizarre weather??


Take care and have a great 2008!! Enjoy your forth year out from the stroke!!

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Glad you had an uneventful New Year's day. My 3 year anniversary is coming up on the 11th. Misti, my caregiver, and I had a philosophical discussion about that today.


Tell your brother to find a designated driver next time and don't drink and drive. You would not want anything to happen to him or anyone else.


I missed the New Year's Eve chat because it was too late for me. I'm sure everyone had fun. I'll talk to you as soon as chat is up and running again. Happy New Year!



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congrats on your anniversary! it was wise to spend the day quietly w/ kristi. i didn't make it to the party in chat since we were celebrating new year's here. i hope the new year brings you lots of blessings and you continue to get stronger!
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I was thinking about you on New year day about you, glad you had great family time with your girls. I bet things will become easier as more years passes.




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donna. we had so much fun at our party chat. yes, you east coasters stayed with us west coasters to celebrate. i'm happy you had a good anniversary, i definitely was thinking of you all day dear lady. my 6th yr anniversary is coming up too on 1-5, i'm sure it will be a quiet day for me too. i bet kristi looked great in her new sweater you got her. tell that bro of yours, what was he thinking. hes very lucky he got home safely. its good you stayed home and out of the weather, relaxing and watching movies is always fun. i hope this year is even a better one for you and kristi and critters.

be safe and well my friend.

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