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if i could just click my heels like dorothy!



dorothy had the right idea when she clicked her heels to get home to kansas. :out_of_here: too bad i don't have any shoes with heels much less red ones!. we leave for the frozen north in 4 days! i am NOT looking forward to the days of driving (really riding) and so hope for decent weather. i bought a "calming" spray for my cat's carriers and pray it works. they are very naughty and noisey travelers. maybe i will take the sedative and let them howl! ( lol )the house has an echo with all our books packed up and i feel we have already started our new adventure. our son arrives on tuesday and we will begin the final tasks that need doing. what a great guy to spend his vacation time helping out the "old folks." :thumbup:

i have made some super friends here in florida during my 4+ years and we have been getting together to say bye for the time being. they took me to a cute play in tampa on wednesday night and last night we all went to see some chinese acrobats. AMAZING! needless to say i am not great at public or evening events but i had the best time. i am so,so exhausted from everything but i figure i will recuperate. i will miss my friends here but i am looking forward to seeing my MA girlfriends. i rarely loose touch with people i care about - after all, what would a woman do without good girlfriends? :chat: kathy


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Hi Kathy alias "Dorothy". Yes, it would be great to be able to click our heels together as Dorothy did or even wiggle our noses as Samantha did. But alas we cannot.


I hope the kitties will be good for the trip. When we flew with Crystal we gave her the tranquilizers provided by the Vet and they did not knock her out. Her adrenaline kicked in the minute we put her in the carrier and she was wired the entire flight. Obviously she doesn't travel well either. I hope the "calming" spray works - perhaps some ear plugs for you might be helpful.


Will be thinking of you.

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WOW countdown... i hope the calming spray works. I had one dog we gave a very small dose of dramamine to before we went in the car. She got better and did not have to use it. I don't know what you can give a cat. I had one that HOWLED LOUDLY unless i kept my fingers in her carrier..lol Also had one that liked riding.. and would curl up on the seat like a dog.Will hope the spray works.. for sure.Wishing you a happy, yowl free trip and the best weather for your journey.

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kathy, i'm sure you feel excited and panicky at the same time. having traveled with cats myself i understand, i hope the trip goes well for you all. i used to make a bed in the back seat for my critters and they justed curled up and went to sleep after the initial vocalizations,lol i will pray for good weather and a safe trip. its hard to leave a comfort zone but now you get to make a new one. i wish you the best in your new adventure.

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