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vivir [[ to live]]



So I'm back. I know I haven't wrote in what seems to be forever, so I thought it was time to. How are things here. Well, good news is my cousin and his girlfriend are moving out tomorrow :happy new yea: How happy are we!!! I went and saw their apartment today. Needs alot of work, but I know it'll look great within a couple months. I had finals this past week. I sure hope I did good, I think I did good in spanish.





After thursday and friday finals we had half days so I hung out with my friends. Thursday I died my hair(blonde underneath) and Friday I went out to eat with my two friends. We went to TGI Fridays. Food was really good and we had a blast. I needed to get away, finals put me in a funk that I hate to be in.





So this week is when mom goes to have her heart cath done. I'm kinda nervous, but I know everything will be just fine. God knows how much I need her, and without, I don't even wanna think about that. But she quit smoking today :Clap-Hands: Haha. I don't know how long that will last, but I hope she knows I really idolize her for giving up something that she enjoys so much.





Things are starting to get worse with me and my uncle however. He doesn't even like me anymore. I know, you think I'm naive for saying this, but I really feel it's the truth. I went to breakfast this morning and we was there. He didnt say ONE word to me. When he was leaving he barely looked at me. It's hard, but I really think he's so tired of everyone needing him, he just starts pushing them away. It hurts a lot. I wish we could be close like we were when I was like 5. He acted like I was his world, and always seemed so proud of me. Now I'm lucky if I get an "I love you".




Well I better get off. I have to read a 400 page book in 3 days for a silly book report. No school Monday or Tuesday!!




Bye everyone :]]


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Hey Kiddo of mine, we're back to normalcy. It was nice they left earlier than what they said, thanks to your Uncle helping them out. Please keep in the mind the pressure he's been under...everyone always needs him for something.

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hey Kristi:


thank god you blogged or this auntie of yours would have come with blogstick after you. I am so happy for you both your houseguests finally left. it was stressing your mom out, and it's high time your cousin becomes responsible adult. I am sure your mom's surgery will be fine she will do just great lot of people still needs her and she still needs to see results of raising you so well in so many adversities. so you also don't worry. I am sure your uncle loves you very much maybe not showing as he used to do when you were 5, if he does show his affection that way people will might view him as crazy guy. I bet he is under lot of pressure due to his own not doing so well kids.




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hey there kristi, good to hear from you. i too am glad your houseguests have left. you both didn't need the added stress. they need to get a life of their own. i'm sure you did well on your finals. you are a smart girl. you need to have more faith in yourself. i agree with the others about your uncle. he loves you very much. maybe hes jealous that you grew up so well and his own kids haven't grown up as well as you have. just a thought. i would not worry about your mom's test, she has so many people praying for her. lets be grateful they have found her problem and will fix it so nothing major will happen. its good that she has stopped smoking though. she is stronger than i am. you both remain in my thoughts and prayers. i bet your hair looks good too.

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