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February 29th, last day for early voting



Last day for early voting in Ohio and Texas and avoid the long lines since most of us are handicapped and can't stand or walk very far.


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Hey Freddy:


Long time..


I enjoy discussing history and politics. I stay away from religion.


None of my biz but would luv to know who you're supporting and the main reason why!


Also , have you seen or heard much of the likes of Cory Booker, Duval Patricks, Bakari Sellers?


Obama, sure has caught fire.. Do you think the old schoolers have outlasted their stay and now it's time to step aside?


I'm old enough to remember B. Jordan. What a winner!



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Hi Fred and Tom,


I loved Barbara Jordan! I'm an Obama supporter although I think Hillard would do a good job...but be less electable in a general election because of Bill's baggage with Monica, etc.




Don't forget that you can register to get your ballots by mail and do them completely by mail. Just being 65 qualifies you but so does your stroke. I thought I'd miss going to the polls but we've been voting by mail for five years now and it works out great. Call you local election board or township office for how to apply.



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What Jean said is right. I'm a member of my local Election Board, as a Majority Inspection for my voting precient. All you need to do is to call your local election board, give them your name and ask for an Absentee Ballot. Once the Election Board determines that you are eligible to vote, they will send you an absentee ballots, with complete instructions how to fill it out and the date it MUST be returned by.


Also, some states and/or local preceints might have 'curb-side voting' for disabled/handicapped people. Pennsylvania DOES NOT due to the problem of secretcy in voting.




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Hey Tom,


I am sorta into all three subjects you named since my stroke had me dealing with the city mayor during the hurricane relocation of people from New Orleans (my wife's home town) she helped me so much with my in-laws. Our little town mayor only gets a very small monthly payment of $200.00 and the city counsel members a little less than that.


Our current mayor is doing a great job as well as the previous mayor who happened to be female. To win 10 or 11 states in a row is quite a feat in today's political arena. So I'm looking forward to the end results on how the whole USA votes to choose a party candidate from those running for office.


Barbara was a great congress woman from Houston (my home town) and I had several conversations with her while I was the Airport Manager for the Yellow Cab Company in Houston 1981 to 1983.


Yea, that is the question "Who we support and why?" I'd have to PM you on that one. Good to hear from you Tom!




I had that info but try to get out as much as possible besides working 40 hour weeks.




Good to hear from you big guy and I hope you are still getting better and better since your surgery a while back. Pennsylvania is next after Ohio and Texas, I think they'll be ready to vote.

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