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I have been in Central Illinois for 3.5 months. By myself. Doing work that I hadn't planned doing with my degree. By myself. Living in an apartment above a woman who is hard of hearing and loves to watch Law & Order (guess how I know that...). By myself.


Did I mention that I feel a bit lonely? Bob & I have lived separately before - 5 years of our marriage to be exact - I don't know why it is so difficult this time.


Actually, I'm positive that I had difficulties with it the first time. I have faint memories of it. I think that not enjoying my job makes a huge difference. I'm getting paid way too much money to be this bored. I will have to figure out a way to scrounge up something to do, I just don't have the gumption to do that just yet. I'm still getting my legs under me (literally, figuratively - both).


I need to find people to connect with but I have standards that are ridiculous - they can't have small children (no time to be a friend yet), they need to be in the 30-50 year age range (any younger & I don't understand them; any older & they don't understand me), married is a plus (to understand married life). I'm pretty flexible on that last one but the first 2 are rigid standards.


I guess that I'm having difficulty finding people because I haven't really committed to this place yet - not the job and not the area.


Bob & I agreed that we will make a decision at the 6 month mark. He has a theory that the first month of a job is the 'honeymoon' where the job is exciting, the people are exciting, and everything is great. Then there is the next 3 months or so where it is the worst job in the world. This is where the 6 month agreement comes in. No major decisions until I figure out if the job really isn't for me or if I am just going through a phase.


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You did not approach this decision of pursuing this job and the relocation lightly. You may indeed discover it was not meant for you. If that is the case, know that you tried it out. One never knows what the future might bring sometimes without taking some chances.


Hope you can meet some individuals and hope you like Law and Order. Take Care.

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You are absolutely right - I may need to discover it isn't for me. I think that in order to do that, I need to separate my loneliness from the job (hence the 6 month rule).


I do like Law & Order - I can identify which one she is watching from the voices from her TV alone! If I'm bored, I will mute my TV & flip through the channels to find the show she is watching. It is amusing!

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Ray and I were seperated for 10 months while I completed my diploma. I would never do it again. The friends I made then I made out of a desperate effort to build a "community". Now I hate being seperated from those I love and no job would pay me enough money for that.


But, Sherri, you and I are different so you have to base your decision on what you know about yourself. I know you have changed since your stroke and found some new values so maybe they are coming into play right now. I agree that six months is a good trial period but more than that, if you are still unhappy, could be a waste of the time you could spend with the people you do care about. Remember, life is short and live it well.



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I think not able to find friends in a new place does exacerbate loneliness. and your rules are rigid relax a bit, I always look out for a perfect friend and so far haven't found one, so I adjust with whatever friends I got. I too think 6 months mark is good idea to see if it works out or not and if not atleast you tried. for me after stroke my family comes first, then work then money. family is most imprtant for me, in my crisis mode only my family that is my hubby stood by me, in job they were able to replace me quickly *beeps*, and money I think whatever we have is enough to raise family of 3 people.so what I m saying is living apart from your soulmate is not worth a single penny.




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Living in different states has never been about money.


It doesn't mean that we love each other any less - maybe it's because we love each other so much that we can do this.


I couldn't possibly ask Bob to leave his job to move here and he wouldn't think about asking me to move back - I didn't spend that much money, time, effort, blood, sweat, and tears getting a degree that I won't use. It just wouldn't make sense.

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I like your attitude towards your degree, I wish I had that one in me. I guess I had done my degree to get a good job. It's great to see your love for each other so strong, I guess for me it became more strong after my stroke. I think we all individuals are different, and each one of us has different idea about what we want and how we want. I hope you make a right decision for you and your family. I am sorry if I offended you in anyway. I was just stating facts which are important to me.




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