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Since last time I've typed to you I received a first draft of the divorce agreement. We are trying to avoid a messy court battle, at least I am. I really don't want to drag the kids through that.


First, let me say that I am largely at fault for the failed marriage. I'd probably estimate the fault lays 70/30 on my head. I did some things I regret and she can't forgive me for them (not that I blame her). I didn't cheat on her, but I just wasn't a very good husband.


I get the agreement and right in one of her statements was her throwing blame at me for something new, Something she had previously accepted responsibility for (before our separation), and frankly blame played no part in what needed to be accomplished in the bullet point. It's only purpose was to anger me, and it did.


I have apologized many times for my transgressions. I have admitted much. From my point of view she has decided I could do no right and her no wrong. I guess that is her right, but it really hurts. I am just hoping I can get through this without having another stroke


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bill, i am truly sorry to hear of your pending divorce. playing the blame game only causes pain and anger i would guess. no one is perfect, we all make mistakes, we are humans after all. it takes 2 to make a marriage work and 2 to end it. you need to focus on your recovery and your health. i will pray that you gain the strength and wisdom you need to get through this. DO NOT HAVE ANOTHER STROKE. if you need meds to help you through this, get them. you take care of yourself and do what you have too. its a shame that stroke causes so many marriages to fail. i wish you the best.

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i'm sorry for this latest conflict, but i hope for better days ahead for you. relationships in our lives are tested in different ways. i've learned we can't make people feel what they don't feel; nor can we make them do what they don't want to do. we just have to pick up the pieces, move on with life and do the best we can. surround yourself with others who will accept you as you are. live life to the fullest!

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Don't waste your time trying to analyze who should bear the brunt of the blame, it really doesn't matter. In 10 years you'll look back see it all differently and it still won't matter. It's not worth the energy, it won't change anything. There really is nothing to win except the chance to have the final nanadodo I was right all along. Who cares? You're going to part ways in the end anyway. It's not worth the stress. People spend a fortune and have strokes for that final haha. It never made sense to me. If they're willing to sacrifice that much for the other person, they must mean an awful lot to them ~ just stay married to them.

You're so right. Keep it out of court, keep the kids out it, give her what she wants (within reason), be the bad guy, and get it over with with your health and sanity.

Good luck,

Maria :friends:

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I can't get give you any additional wisdom bullets other than what Maria says. how does it matter in the end what she says in the court paper, end result is still divorce, so don't loose your health and sleep over blaming game. forgive and move on with your life. you have whole new life ahead of you with your new soulmate and you don't want to jeopardise with additional health problems.




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For your sanity, the love and sanity of your soulmate and your kids, take care of yourself and don't let ner snide comments get to you. I take it that she's not content or accepting of your admittance as to what you've done wrong. That's her way of saving face - unfortunately there are many individuals ib the world like her. It's almost over - chin up, chest out look ahead to your future and close the door on the past. Try to keep her in the context she now is - mother of your children.

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