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Just checking in

cheer mama


Good Morning Everyone.

I haven't blogged in a long time so I thought I owed everyone an update since I still check in on you.

Today is my four year anniversary or birthday if you will. Yesterday I celebrated by going to my new neurologist. I like him so far everything is just fine, It was a check-up because about a month ago I woke up with a droopy face. I trundled off to the ER with my husband. The ER Dr. thought it was Bell's palsey, but the neuro said stroke. He said he couldn't see it on the MRI the damage must have been in the same area. Good news is that I asked him if I could have TPA in the future he said that an "old" stroke is not a contraindication. (that means I could if all the other factors were ok too) This makes me happy because I don't want any more deficits if I have another stroke.

Other than that my life is pretty much the same. My daughter comes home from college next weekend. I'm so proud of her she earned a 4.0 her first semester. She tried out for cheerleading but didn't make it. She will be working this summer but we should have plenty of time to do girl stuff.

My son is about to buy his first new car. This is his first step towards independence. He is talking about moving out next. That will be good for him, but I will miss him.

I finally decided I had had it with my weight and asked my husband to go to weight watchers with me. I needed him to be on the program too since he does most of the cooking. We've been on it a month and he has lost 7 pounds, me 3.5. Isn't that always the way? We also decided to buy a NU Step machine for me since I can't exercise very effectively.(it's not warm enough to swim yet) Well , it's GREAT! It's very expensive, but I can use it by myself and I can workout has hard as I like. I got the hand strap and the bar to keep my knee in alignment , a foot strap too. It's mechanical but not electronic. You set your own pace and can stop whenever you want to, so I feel it is safe for me to use. I understand that a lot of PT places and gyms have them. It is like a seated eliptical trainer. It is called a recumbant cross trainer. It exercises the arms and legs at the same time. I listem to music while I do it. Off to exercise!




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Hiya Marden,


Congratulations on your very very special day - which encompasses anniversary and birthday. It is a rebirth, yet I wouldn't want to start all the way over from birth - now to "shave" off a few years.... LOL.


Yeah go figure that hubby would lose weight quicker than you - men are so fortunate that way. We've got a weight loss forum that is starting up - http://www.strokeboard.net/index.php?showforum=76 in case ya might be interested.


Get a good workout to your music dear!!!!

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