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Getting Packed



It's 11 pm and I'm finishing my laundry for my week in rehab. Just thinking what the week will be like. It seems funny to me that post stroke I get paniced by anything new. pre stroke I would have looked forward to the adventure. lol It sure is a different life. I'll be at rehab from 8 am to 3:30 pm that's the schedule they mailed me. It should be intersting getting up at 6 or 7 and be out the door that early. I do good to get up and make coffee by 9 now! In the mornings it takes me a while to wake up and be able to move. My brain dos't work that fast any more its like I can be awake but I don't think clearly at first and I can't move my legs for a while its like my body and mind need time to wake up. Some times I feel like my brain isn't realy mine and I don't always trust myself. And my body, well it dosn't look or feel like mine. Its sometimes amuses me to watch myself my mind trying to controll my body and it's not cooperating. lol



How everything was so easy pre stroke just going through the day walking and talking and doing whatever. whenever I needed or wanted to do. There was no limit to the things I could accomplish. I don't even remember being consered about much of anything!


How that has changed. Post stroke everthing is hard. Everything from just brushing my teeth to putting a shirt on. 10 months post stroke I just realized A tag on a tee shirt goes in the back. Pre stroke I didn't have to think about how to do things I just did them. Now it can take up to an hour to get dressed correctly. (or at least what I think is correct) lol who knows what's correct I thougt for the last 10 months the tag went in the front. lol


Well I guess if thats the worst thing I do it's ok ( it's not like I wear my unerware over my pants) at least I don't think I have!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me wonder what other things I do or have done thats kinda off.




Well tommorrow should be interesting. And I'll do my best. Thats all I can do.


So I will say good bye for now and I will fill you in when I get back.



Thanks to All of you for listning



Sherry :toothy grin:


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Hi Sherry


Enjoy your week away, it will be great, just you wait and see. The strangeness will wear off after the first day and you will get so much out of it. Ray had some rehab last year after his pelvis fracture and soon got back into the routine of exercises etc.


Don't worry about being slow, if it takes you a while to do things you just have to take the time it takes. Ray takes 45 minutes to dress, but he does it all himself while I am getting breakfast etc and I appreciate that he makes the effort.


I'm looking forward to your blog after you finish. I'm sure you will have a lot to tell us then.


(((Hugs))) from Sue.

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I still second guess myself and do things like go back and check to see that I've locked the door like 3 times ~ you'll thank me for putting that in your head I'm sure. Who knows? You may be a trendsetter and it will be all the rage. If sales start cropping up on intimate apparel and the new outerwear, you'll know it's time to hit the catwalk. Don't worry honey you're doing fine. It's just more of par for the course.

Good luck in rehab this week. I'm sure you'll get as much out of it as you did last time. We'll be here waiting for you when you get back looking forward to hearing how well you've done.


Maria :friends:

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hey Sherry:


it's great that you will bw getting therapy, I am sure it will be interesting week and we will hear about all your new friends. hey even if you wear underwear over your pants, you will still not be looked at. people might think superwoman in town.


good luck and best wishes for your thrapy and we will be all waiting to hear all scoop from u.




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Hope all goes well your week away at therapy. I'm 3 years post and there are times when I still catch myself putting on a t-shirt backwards - not often but there are days. If a new fashion trends starts of wearing panties on the outside of clothes, be sure to get the credit and royalties :silly:

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sherry. if thats the worse you ever do with the underwear. life will be a bundle of laughs for you. i hope your therapy and trip goes well for you. i'm sure you will get alot from it, and feel better about yourself once you come home. enjpy the adventure. i have put my underwear on backwards many times, but hey whatever works, right. have a great trip and be safe and well.

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