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another sad and happy event



well folks, another appearance of the black cloud over my family. i have put off blogging about this for awhile now. but i have good news and bad news. good news is my oldest son marc that was suppose to be moving back here, just found out he is going to be a DADDY, come november, so i will be a grandmother, woohoo. his girlfriend and marc had been trying for along time the doctor told her her tubes were completely blocked and probably would never get pregnant. just shows you doctors aren't always right. she is a high risk pregnancy due to her age, and her uterine fibroids. the problem is the timing is bad. he was moving back here because they just don't get along very well. this isn't the perfect situation to bring a child into. so i guess he is going to come for a visit instead of moving here. i can live with that. i just want him to be happy, maybe the baby will help them to work out their differences. so i am asking for prayers to help them with the pregnancy and their lives. now the bad news.

my other son matt, that just got married a year ago. his wife tonya has started drinking heavily and told matt to move out she didn't love him anymore. needless to say, matt and us are heartbroken. matt is beside himself and she pulled this on him a week before his semester ended. but somehow he finished it. not sure how his grades will be though. he moved back in with us, trying to find work now to occupy his time. i am powerless to help him other than just be there for him. this is breaking my heart to see him like this. i am so angry at tonya right now, i want to hire guido, to pay her a visit, LOL. they have been together 8years, married for 1. they are alot of issues on her family's side, i think are playing a role in this breakup. plus other things i won't get into now. matt is finding out that his friends are not wanting to get involved nor his in-laws that were his 2nd parents. i have tried to explain to him why friends do this after a crisis hits, just like after my stroke so called friends just disappear. her parents are another story, they need to be there for her, but i think thats part of the problem. i am no marriage counselor but i can offer my advice as a mother. as hard as this is, he will get through it. so i ask for prayers for him also. i want my kids happy and to have a good life, my stroke has put an additional strain on them, but they both have been there for me. i guess you never stop being a mother after the kids are grown,huh. i have always been a worry wart. i don't need anymore stress in my life, since this damn stroke. what is god trying to tell me. i know it takes 2 to make a marriage work. please pray for me too, i don't need another stroke,nor do i want one!!! just another day in my life post stroke.


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My thoughts, prayers, and (((hugs))) are with you and your sons and the new baby to come. I know it's hard to do, but keep yourself as calm as possible. If it gets too much for you, maybe speak to your doctor and get on some meds to calm you down. The joys and tears of parenting are always there huh.


One good thing, the furry grandchildren are just wanting and giving unconditional love.

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dear kimmie,


i'm really sorry for the things going on with your sons relationships. sometimes stroke makes us feel so helpless. as parents, we want to be there for our kids every step of the way. all we can do is hope for the best and let things work itself out. i'm sure your sons feel your love and they will come to you when they need some motherly words of wisdom. please take care of yourself and don't worry too much!

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Kimmie (((HUGS))) from me as you face this upheaval in your family. Break-ups affect so many people, not just the couple involved. My sympathies to you and to your son too.


Because of Ray's strokes we, like you, often feel helpless, knowing the difference between what we could have once done and what we can do now. But our children who are are younger and stronger should be able to sort out their own lives. All you can do is to be there for them when they ASK FOR advice etc. And love them whatever they do, as I know you wil.


I hope the couple who are expecting a baby can sort out their differences and prepare a happy home to welcome the little one into the world.



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As I've told you I so feel for you. I don't have any great words of wisdom-not that I ever do. In time he'll be better off it just kills you to see him go through it now. Maybe a little something to keep you calm would be good so you can be healthy for your new grandchild...congrats.

Maria :friends:

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lot of hugs and best wishes for you and your son's relationships. I feel stroke or no stroke we as parents often feel helpless and don't want our kids to go through any pain in their life. but pain is invetiable in everyone's life. it makes us stronger,wiser & eventually something good always comes outonce we accept and move on with life. so don't affect your health over your son's lives. all will work out good.




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what is it with this black cloud? i believe it travels around way too much! i know what you mean about kids --we want the best for them - we want life to be gentle with them --we still want to fix our adult children's boo boos. congrats on becoming a grandmother --i hope marc and his gf will use this time to repair differences and make a loving home for their child. sorry for matt --i am sure he is a strong man --he is you son after all --he has a wonderful future as a healer and he will survive the break-up of his marriage --it is good he can talk with and have your support now.

be gentle with yourself too -- kathy

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thank you all for your kinds words during this tough time. yes i feel helpless and can't fix the boo-boo's. i am trying to think positively that things happen for a reason. i am looking forward to the grand baby to keep my thoughts happy. i think marc might be coming out next weekend. i will look forward to that as he will be bringing me some items of my mother's home, so that is a happy thing for me to kook forward to also. matt seems to getting stronger every day and handling things well, for that i am greatfull. my nephew is graduating h.s. this week and my dad is there to be part of it. josh got 4 scholarships and i am so proud of him, he will be going to college at purdue. who wouldn't be happy for him. i am feeling good at all the good things around me right now. i still have some anger, but hopefully that will fade with time. thanks again to my friends for cheering me up.

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