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Larry stood up twice today!



Larry was able to stand in the parallel bars twice today - with lots of help and for about a minute each time, but I was SO excited that he could do that!!!


The therapist put his right arm (the "dead" one into a sling, because otherwise it will just hang there and can cause subluxation of the shoulder muscle (don't I sound like I know what I'm talking about when I say that?! I don't actually quite know what that means, but I'm learning). They got him up out of the chair and between the bars, and then on his feet. His posture and balance were pretty damn good, too! I could see how hard he was working, and it tired him out, but he made himself do it. I was in tears watching how hard he tried, and so very proud that I married this wonderful man. I am a lucky woman, even that does sound kind of strange right now.


After that, the therapist got Larry back into the chair. The goal for this week was for Lary to move the wheelchair 10 feet in a straight line. Not easy when you only have mobility on one side. She showed him how to use his left hand to turn the weel and his left foot as the "rudder", and he picked it up right away. He was able to navigate down the hall and back again, and then make the 90 degree turn into his room. He also faked crashing into a table just for our benefit and to see us get excited. All told, he probably did 100 yards. I am SO PROUD of him!!!


Lunch was pretty awful looking, so I went out and got him some Chinese food, which he likes and ate about half of. His weight is the same as it was last week (down 30 lbs since pre-stroke), and that's good; it means he's eating again. He can still lose some weight, but hopefully it will slow to a more normal rate.


I managed to miss the doctor again today - I always get there too early or too late. She was there at 7AM today, I got there at 8:00. In any case, she did not the chart that she has a request in to Kaiser for a urology consult, which I had requested to evaluate why he sometimes needs the cath and sometims not. At least someone is listening to me. The threat of a written complaint apparently does have some weight, and I think people could see after yesterday's histrionics that I have been pushed to about my limit. I'm sure the consult will take a week, but at least it is in the works.


As a Kaiser member, I can access Larry's blood and urine test results every night on the Kaiser Web site - say what you like about Kaiser, but that is a GREAT system. The lab work that the do just about every day in the SNF shows up on the Kaiser Web site later the same day or early the next, and I knew before they put him on the antibiotic that they were going to do it, becuase of the test results that I had seen the night before. All you have to do is register as a member online and you can get everything. Today's tests resutls were all normal, so that's good and I don't expect any more meds. Knowledge is power!! If you're a Kaiser member I definitely recommend this service; I don't know any other medical group that does this.


As for me, I'm doing OK. Came home about 4PM and watered my parched garden, and pulled weeds, and told my orchids that they are going to have to talk amongst themselves for a while longer. My epiphyllium (night-blooming cereus) is setting huge buds, and that would normally have me setting up a chair outside so that I could sit with them all night when they bloom - you have never smelled a perfume as heavenly, nor seen a flower so glorious - as big as your hand, blooms just one night of the year. This year I'm just not up for the drama of it, but still tracking what they are doing. The thunbergia are also in bloom, and the amaryllis belladonna...I miss being able to cherish and enjoy each one, but all I'm able to do is provide water and encouragenment. Next year maybe Larry will enjoy them with me and it wlll mean something again. I hope he can learn to water in the wheelchair, because this yard is HIGH maintenance!!







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larry sounds like a great guy -- i glad to hear his hard work and effort is showing such positive results! keep hanging out with with flowers --they need you and you need them...and the weeds for your soul during this tough time. kathy

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Great progress for Larry - Whoohoooo!!! Stroke recovery ain't the easiest thing in the world and Bless his heart he's getting into it with a flourish. After doing so much one day, if he's exhausted the next, that is quite normal as his stamina needs to rebuild.


Your garden sounds gorgeous.

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What an encouraging report!! Congrats to both of you!!


As to the subluxation - it results when the muscles become too week to hold the arm properly in its socket. Putting the arm in a sling is a contriversial issue. I our case Dick just would not where the sling. His arm was about 3/4" out of socket for a long time but eventually went back to normal.


Another thing they pushed with us is doing weight baring exercises with that arm. When Dick was doing the parrallel bars I would hold his hand around the right bar and anchor the elbow. This supported some of his weight on that arm. It also helped him to find his balance better. Just another idea to throw in here.



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so happy for Larry's progress. more he works in his PT. less work for you when he comes home. encourage him to fullest those therapy is his tickets to go home, and start building new life.




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janine, that is great to hear about larry. sometimes its hard to see the one you love work so hard at something like this. but believe me its worth it. he will be stronger for it and able to come home sooner. keep encouraging him. donna is right, therapy will tire him out, until his stamina is built up again. he will get into a routine now. thats way cool about kaisers program where you are able to get results every day. others should do the same. keep us updated on how things are going for you both.

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