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Here me Am



So me felt is time to venture into Blog world....me feel is something me can use 2 use 2 say how me feel and also look back 2 see how far me have come in dealing with this part of me life.


Me life has been going downhill since the pregnancy of me 4th child. Me had severe HG while preggo with her...Me lost 30 pounds had zofran pump, PICC line and various other medications 2 help keep me alive..after her preganacy things seem come back normal for 8 weeks...then me had PE...after that my life has forever been changed....me can no longer care for me 4 kids, take care of house or drive...me live has totally changed...2 make matters worse me had a stroke 2 1/2 month ago....me have come farther thne me thought me would...me had 2 main areas affected...me speech and eyeseight....me speech continues 2 improve though they are not sure if ever will be 100% also my eyesyight has only 5-10% peripfheral vision and me depth perception off...


However me do have things be thankful for...me 4 beautiful children, me wonderful dh that supports me and love me unconditionally, me church family that comes in help with house issues and also take doctor appts...me internet friends who really understand me more than IRL people do...everyday me able 2 wake up is blessing 2 me...


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Welcome to the blog Community Marti - so glad you decided to join in. Blogging gives everyone a chance to know each other a bit more as well as see how far we've progressed as we re-read our own entries. Please don't do what I did though - I got frustrated with myself and deleted many of my beginning blogs from the site - not too smart of me lol.


You've been through much - you survived for a reason (4 beautiful children and dear hubby is fantastic reason) not as a punishment.


Don't give up on your recovery - recovery never ever stops though it is in HIS time not ours.


Look forward to getting to know more about you.

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welcome to wonderful world of blogging.For me blogging was hugely therupetic. I too stroked after my pregnancy which resulted in sad outcome. bt oh well I have one great son, and unconditional love from my husband made me realize there is still lot left in my life if I concentrate on my blessings, and make grand lemonade out of my lemon. you are also blessed to have wonderful family support and I am sure as time will pass you will adapt with your newme. BTW always challenge yourself to do more for yourself and your family within safe limits.


I found out with half of my body I can still be best mom & best wife.




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Dear Marty,

I am a caregiver and haven't figured out this blog business yet, so you are way ahead of me! :) So glad you have a loving and supportive family and friends! That is a huge treasure as I'm sure you know! I want to write a blog for the theuroputive relief...I've heard that ii helps relieve alot of stress just to 'talk" about things. Keep it up and don't give up on your recovery! The Lord is our Great Physician and true physician and I'm sure he is with you! Good Luck and God Bless!

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