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A Day in Me Life

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Doctor's/Another infection

Along with stroke...me have various other diagnosis that doctor can not figure out why me have them...me have stumped some of the best neuro's in the country...including John Hopkins and Clevland Clinic...every doctor that sees me says WOW u have bunch stuff going on...if me had even .10 cents for every doctor/nurse said that me big rich...LOL....however is also very frusterating...the more the doctor seem 2 know the more them not able figure u out the quicker they seem 2 give up on u...me is st



Here me Am

So me felt is time to venture into Blog world....me feel is something me can use 2 use 2 say how me feel and also look back 2 see how far me have come in dealing with this part of me life.   Me life has been going downhill since the pregnancy of me 4th child. Me had severe HG while preggo with her...Me lost 30 pounds had zofran pump, PICC line and various other medications 2 help keep me alive..after her preganacy things seem come back normal for 8 weeks...then me had PE...after that my life

