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Three years down - the rest of my life to go!



That's right - three year anniversary today.


I'm alive!


I'm relatively healthy!




So, it's been a long time since I last posted - here is the latest scoop:


Bob & I are moved in to our 3rd floor walk-up apartment (not entirely unpacked, of course, but moved in nonetheless!). Bob was gone for nearly a month - 1 week in Orlando for work-related stuff, 1 week in Nigeria as an invited speaker at a conference, and a little over another week in Orlando to pack & move the remainder of our stuff. He got back and left again today for 2 weeks on an 'unemployment vacation' I guess. It makes me a little nervous, I would rather he get a job and contribute monetarily but he is a hard worker and deserves a break too. I don't know how he manages it, but somehow, people find out he has moved/left a job and job opportunities arise out of nowhere - it really goes to show what an impact he has on the concrete industry! Two of the most recent opportunities include working as a regional manager for a concrete admixture company (I think), and the other is a job offer from Nigeria - he would be gone for about 6 months at a time though... I'm trying desperately not to show any preference on my part so that he takes the opportunity that works best for him.


I am working full time at NASA now - I really enjoy it. The people are smarter than me (not that it is difficult to accomplish) and the projects are interesting. I hope to stay here for at least 5 years.


Stroke-related info: I have a Dr. appointment today and hope to get a prescription for PT again. My goal right now is to be able to run by my 5th year anniversary. I feel as though that is do-able and realistic. Bob & I have taken to riding bikes (separate bikes, not the tandem bike) on the weekends and I am getting pretty good at riding now. My foot doesn't know entirely yet how to stay on the pedal correctly but the pressure is getting so much better (it didn't know how much pressure to alternately pedal and stay on the pedal itself since they are different pressures).


Good stuff!


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hey congratulations on your anniversary. pretty cool moved into new apartment & all good stuff happy for you both. working at NASA in itself proves you are way smarter than normal crowd.






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Congratulations Sherri on your 3 year mark. So glad all is going well. The unpacking will get done. I bet your job is soooo onteresting and I bet you are a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for - you wouldn't be there if you weren't.

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Girl, I think you need to change your "handle"! You are certainly doing far more than "just surviving". Your determination is absolutely inpirational. Third floor walk-up apartment? Riding bikes? Working for NASA? What a woman you are!


Congratulations on your third "anniversary", although I never feel comfortable using that term! I guess the celebration is not in the date, but the recovery you have been blessed with.


Do keep us posted with news of your exciting and full life post stroke. You are indeed an inspiration.


Greetings from a caregiver,



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all I can say is WOW. As they say "you have come along way, baby" ...and my wish for you is that you can keep on going. I have a loooooong way to go to reach even 1/2 of what you have accomplished and I know that may not be God's plan for me. So besides exercises, I am working on acceptance, adjusting, attitude and one day @ a time.





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