Young and beautiful, old sick handicap, and Dick Clark
I know Whats wrong with me, I had a stroke. No really folks. Its my wifes fault, shes young, smart and beautful, and Im old, forgetful, and handicaped instead of being happy Im insescure. Then I think Im jealous, she works drives has health and is in control(shes smart and beautiful). I dont think the control is a issue, its my lack of that hurts( and she is smart sand beautiful). I have to depend on her, that scares me, its not just trust, its my lack of ability(and shes smart and beautiful). I have dumped alot of stuff on her in the past, but now I really cant do it. Dont forget the young and beautiful part. Before I might of given her security, now all I give her is broken dreams,and a hard time. All she wanted is to be happy. How can she be married to a broken man like me, an old handicaped unemployed bum, and her, she could have the world at her feet. Shes a better person then me beautiful inside and out. A yr ago she saw Dick Clark she thought it was amazing how good he was doing(beautiful and caring), I on the other hand thought how could he go out in public( I was mesrable and shallow even then). Thats a big one, shes better then me I dont deserve her. Never did, that hurts now. I could find excuses before, but how a man who takes 2hrs to just type this blog make could make her happy, who could want that? Her staying by my side makes her that much better then I, that hurts. Maybe Im nasty to push her away. I really thank thats a big part of it. Love and self loathing. Push her away, shes better off, she could find the happiness she deserves, and Im devastated and the world topples down on me like I desrve. Then I could hate myself even more. What a sick idea. Im nuts. See See shes so wonderful its all her fault. I know you agree. Ok You say Im a miserable sicko and Im nuts and Its my fault. Ok. Ok It is. Its my fault and Dick Clark looked great. Happy New Year.
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