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My son got engaged



My mom regularly gives me news of my children since I don't see them. My youngest Dan, went on a cruise with his dad and thats where he got engaged. It hurts so much to get news like that from a 3rd party. I am so happy for him and my daughter in law to be is such a nice girl. I know she makes my son happy. I wish them happiness always. I hope this family feud is over before they get married. I want to be there when my baby gets married.


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Marie: I'm so sorry for you that you cannot share in your son's joy with him at this moment. I pray all will be well within your family so you can be united again and share the moments of his wedding. I hope to see you in chat on Sunday.


Your volunteer work on the strokeboard is appreciated by me and I'm sure a lot of others. All we can do is try our best, let go and the rest will follow. We never know what God's plan is for ourselves or others.



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great news mc, i too hope family issues will get resolved so you can be part of this happy event. our babies are always special to us mom's. good luck and keep us posted .

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Congrats on your sons engagement. Sorry you were disappointed about not being part of the announcement and festivities, but he's happy and you know that's all you truly care about. I will also keep you in my prayers for a resolution. You deserve to be part of and see his wedding.

Maria :friends:

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Thank you all for your replies. They are much appreciated. I am truly happy about my Dan's engagement. That he is happy is truly the important thing here. Especially that he is on the right road. I was very worried when he was a teeager that he would not amount to much, I am so happy I was wrong. He turned himself around into a responsable adult and I am very proud of him. I sent him a card yesterday, congratulating him on his engagement and for purchasing his first house. I can't wait to see if I will hear from him.



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