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power outage, visitors and great glutes



More summer storms and I had phone problems for another three days. I didn't get to chat, I couldn't check my emails. I could just scream. We only had ten days of services before another storm took the phone line out. I do have a surge protector etc so it isn't supposed to happen. I get so mad when it all goes down especially because of our situation. I do have a cell phone for emergencies but people do worry if they don't see me on line or can't contact me when they know I am home.


We have been busy the last week or so with visitors and events. On Australia Day we went to a family lunch at my sister's place when forty or so people turned up. We were there and our boys and our Wyoming grandchildren,Tori, Alex and Oliver, Pam was working (well someone has to...lol). All my sister's children were there and her grandchildren and spouses and some of the spouses parents, so it was a big family gathering.


It had been so hot on Saturday, over 100 degrees (41 our temp) so we were lucky that by Monday the temperature had dropped back to a mild, warm, sunny day or we would have all baked. As it was it was a lovely day with all the cousins big and small having a great time together and the oldies chatting on as oldies do. There was a lot of food and fun as the kids had rides in a trailer attached to my brother-in-law's ride-on mower and the kids enjoyed a slippery slope game on a large sheet of plastic covered in detergent and drenched in water. There were lots of shrieks and cheers during that game but as it go late into the afternoon also some tears from the littlest ones. We all went home very tired.


But that was just the first party that day as we also went to a party next door with fifteen people from the neighbourhood gathered on Brett's back area with barbecued lamb and salads and wonderful desserts. I had to take the bread so that was simple and easy for me to do. Ray went home about 9pm but with Trev's permission I stayed on for a couple of hours more. I loved the warm summer night out under the stars, it was nice to meet some new people and the conversation was good.


On Tuesday I took advantage of a "three free sessions" coupon to my local Curves. I had never been there before so after speeding Ray on his way to Daycare I went and bought some joggers and went down to be assessed. Now I am short and fairly wide and far from athletic. I know I have some strength as I can pick Ray up off the floor when I need to. So one sweet young thing assessed me and another offered to show me the circuit. There is equipment for bending and stretching your body in all directions so Ann demonstrated and then I copied what she did. I managed to do one circuit, fifteen minutes worth.


Next it was my turn to lead and she followed. I got most of the movements right, she just corrected my position. So around we went again. My heart rate was up a little now and I can say I was wondering if I was doing okay. Occasionally Ann said "good" or "well done" to encourage me. Then we got back to a machine that enables you to do squats. She said: "try that again as fast as you can" so I did and she said: "wow". We finished the circuit and she showed me how to bend and stretch to cool down again. Finally I was finished. We went back to the girl who had done the assessment and Ann said: "Sue has good abs and GREAT glutes." So there, a hidden asset I didn't know I had...lol. And I still have two free sessions to go!


This time of the year we have our visitors as they come and go visiting family in the summer holiday season. Yesterday Trev picked up my cousin Marilyn and her husband who are over from England visiting her daughter. They came to visit us last year when they stayed with their daughter in Sydney. ( I wrote a blog on last years visit called "Just like her mother"). The visit was so much nicer this time around as we were like old friends catching up on what had happened in our families Today my sister came to lunch and we talked all afternoon. It was a great time. Marilyn works as a volunteer at her local hospital teaching stroke survivors simple cooking as part of their rehab so she was pleased to be able to spend some time with Ray too. Last year he was away at Camp Breakaway when they came. And we had a long walk on one of my favourite beaches this morning so that was a bonus too.


Before Marilyn got here we had some other visitors, two couple who had been promising to drop by for a while finally made it over for afternoon tea. It was so nice to just sit and chat. It doesn't happen a lot and I am always so thrilled when it does. It IS so good to catch up with old friends. One of the men is having treatment for lung cancer and that has given him and his wife a new appreciation of what it is to be a survivor and to be a caregiver. That fellow feeling despite the differences in the diseases has made a new bond between us.


AND Ray and I received today an invitation to a friend's daughter's engagement party and as it is on a Saturday afternoon we are able to go! Another pleasant event to look forward to.


I just love these times when life smiles on us again. However gloomy life is we know there are always some brighter days ahead.


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Glad to see you are back among us dear. Spending time with family and friends is so wonderful as it tends to break up the monotony of our everyday lives.


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I am glad you are back with us & great time with your family and friends. these times do break monotony of life.




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