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Finding Balance

AZ Leah


This blog entry ended up being "too" long but I'm posting it anyway so bare with me. :o This last Monday, January 26, I had an appointment with a psychologist. From talking with her on the phone I thought she would be a


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Bless your heart Hon. Wish I was nearby to give you a huge (((HUG))). You are definitely positively NOT crazy. If you are, you're in great company as we're all there with you. Pre-stroke I was able to juggle so much on a daily basis. Now it's a different story completely. Could be the age + stroke remnants. I do have more post-it notes than I ever did.


It's definitely one day at a time for sure - sometimes a minute at a time. You've come a long way - please remember it is ok to be kind to yourself.

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hey Leah:


reading your blog gives me complex that I m such a lazy bum. I guess nothing changed there I think only thing different for me is previosly I worked outside home. now I work for my recovery and do only that. I think you need to stop comparing your new life to everybody including old leah. just do what you can do & be proud that you are able to do that & how far you have come.




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hey leah,

great blog. like donna, i am sending you a big hug. now stop and take a deep breath. our blogs are quite similar this week in searching for balance. stessie reminded me that fatigue and stroke go hand in hand and yet we wonder why we are so tired.

i know i do too much, exercises and classes and errands...blah blah. maybe there is still a part of us that refuses to give up our old busy multi -tasking selves. my psychologist used to tell me that when a person is in enough pain they will either change the painful behavior or continue to be miserable. i believe we both may be at that watershed.....it is not like the stroke patrol is out in full force seeing if we are overdoing or not doing...it all comes down to our decision. i guess giving ourselves a break is just plain human kindness.. how come it is so difficult? like donna sai, sometimes it is just taking life a minute at a time! :friends: kathy p.s. you are NOT wacko!

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You jam packed an awful lot in to the day and don't leave out the fact you were pretty hyped up about going to the psychologist. The anticipation and emotional anxiety from that I'm sure added to you feeling wiped out. Stick with it though. It's a long process and one which is a gradual evolution. Try not to wipe yourself out with each appointment expecting some grand revelation. Therapy doesn't work that way, but it is worth the time, patience and work in the end.

I don't find manicures and pedicures very relaxing. It's more of an inconvenience. I just want to be done with so I can get out of there and move on. Whatever you do Do not take waxing tips from Kathy!

You don't sound nuts. You sound perfectly normal to me. I cried every day for 2 1/2 years. I'll be 4 years post in March and I don't cry every day any more, but I still have a good jag now and then. Keep chuggin along, you do find balance and it does get much better.

Maria :mwah: :hug:

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Thank you everyone for your hugs and support. I am taking today (Friday) off. I'm going to practice taking care of myself which means not making any decisions either. I'm still confused about the psychologist but I will pray on it before my next appt in 3 weeks and have faith the right answer will come. Leah :friends:

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i am revisiting your blog....what maria said is true, don't give up on the therapy as it takes time. therapists guide us not tell us. i did therapy for a year and a half after my stroke. be up front with your therapist about your goals and fears to make sure you are on the same page. also, maria is right to say never take beauty tips from me....waxing or otherwise. i am a disaster in the girlie girl department :rolleyes: kathy

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