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Who Would Have Thought.....



What a week this has been, WOW, so many emotions I have felt and had to live through.

Yesterday I broke my tooth. I went to the Dentist today to get it fixed. I hate to go to the Dentist. I hate hearing the buzzing of the drills, etc. I got into his chair, and he let the games begin. I try to be brave, unfortunately being at the Dentist he doesn't give you a lollipop if you are a good patient. (never any goodies.... heck he would get more business you would think, errrrr cavities?) You should get a new tooth brush and dental floss or even a lil tube of toothpaste that he is pushing these days. But, this Dentist doesn't do any of that. All my other Dentist's I have been to did that kind of thing. You know they get these freebies from the reps. Must be getting tough in that even with the way the economy. BUT, the one thing I got was from my own self as a gift to me. I am so excited I just had to share it with the world. So world, get a good seat and a cold drink and read on.


As I stated, I hate going to the Dentist. But, I had no choice, my tooth broke. I said a few prayers. They always help... I had to take those four pills an hour before I get there. Due to the fact, I had quad bypass surgery. So, I was all set. Wayne brings me inside, me in my wheelchair, I wanted to do a wheelie and split. No way, I had to get this tooth fixed. Dr. Katz was waiting for me. I got in his chair. I felt like he was going to stap me in as he knows how this isn't my favorite place to be. The Shopping Mall is right down the street, that's where I would rather be.

So he gets the party started. :cheer: He checks out my broken tooth. :yikes: He explains what he is going to do and he gets started. He kept saying to me, Jan, you doing okay? Why do they always do that? They have their hands and instruments in your mouth but yet they ask you questions and you are not suppose to shake your head yes or no, nor talk with all that in your mouth. This always cracks me up, can't even laugh. :yawn: All of a sudden, things were getting intense and this thought came into my mind, I am a Brain Stem Stroke Survivor, A Quad Bypass Survivor, TIA Survivor, the key word here is SURVIVOR, if Through God's help I could survive all of that, then certainly I can be a Survivor of a Broken Tooth. Once that empowerment entered my thinking pattern, I was fine, I was at peace, I just tthought about a lot of things and before you knew it , I was all done and I was able to just wheel on out of there. In fact, Dr. Katz wheeled me out, not even a Good Girl sticker he had. But, better than all the lollipop, sticker, floss, toothpaste, I had the winning ticket, A Good Dentist who is kind and truly cares about his patients. He is a kind person and for that I am truly greatful. So, thanks to you Dr. Katz for fixing my broken tooth.


Positive thinking is the best way to go. So, after five years, something good came out of all this, when I have a hard task ahead of me, Just knowing I am a Survivor will be part of my thinking for the rest of my life.


Now on to other exciting events of the week. My Dr's visit this week regarding my feet, wasn't so good. My Plantar Fasciitis is worse. He has decided to hold off with the surgery. He gave me Cortisone shots after doing the ultrasound to see how things were looking. I ended up getting four shots. WOW, what fun, I had seen him last in October and got the shots then .... they did a lot better then. This time I feel no improvement. He ordered me special shoes that are made for patients with Plantar Fasciitis and some special gel heel pads. I am doing the exercises like I am suppose to. But, I am in pain all the time with it.

He was late getting to work that day, I was there at four pm. I didn't see him until around five. When he gets in, I was in for a shock.... He had a splint on ... I asked him if his girlfriend wrang his neck, we laughed and he explained he had surgery for a rotator cuff problem. Great, I have a Dr with his right shoulder in a sling, he is right handed. Oh. goodness, get the prayers going fast. I asked him if he was ok to work on me. We both laughed. Dr. Palmer and I are close, I have been his patient for over 20 years, In fact, when I was in rehab after my stroke and all, I had problems with my feet and he came out to the rehab three different times to take care of me and he didn't even charge me. He is a real sweetheart. It was neat watching the ultrasound. Only thing we needed was some popcorn.

He was behind schedule because he was late getting there. So he was in a hurry. He numbed my feet first and after he gave me a lil time to make sure I was numb, he gave me the cortisone shot. Man, that did hurt. Let me tell you. He had put a little mark on both feet, however, he lost the mark and I don't think he got it in the right place. I have not gotten any relief. Miss Patience needs to work on that .... Patience... I went on Tuesday to see him and today is Friday. I think I will give him a call to let him know. He said to let him know.

But, like I realized today at the Dentist I AM A SURVIVOR..... This too will pass. If it doesn't, I will just find a Dr. who could unscrew my belly botton and let my legs fall off and I will get the 2009 model. Feet that are feeling fine. You know before my surgery I never had any problem with my legs, feet. Once I got out of the coma, I always asked people to untie my feet, They always feel like they are bound. Tied together. It sure bugs the heck out of me.

Oh well, enough about my feet.


Our Washing Machine died. Wayne has to go out tomorrow and get a new one. It gave us a good life of wash, spin, , kept us looking good in our clean clothes. Goodbye Gabby, we will miss you. You are going to the place of cleaniness, Washing Machines of Heaven. :cloud9: You were special to us as you became part of our family right after we got married.

Today Wayne had to go to his Dr because his Fibro is acting up. He had to get a cortisone shot for the inflamation in his Bursac Sack in his hip.

I tell you, we could have a shingle hanging from our front door, We have so many things going on that we could share with the community. Save them money and talk to us and we can share our experience, strength and hope with them.

Wayne has Fibro and RA. I feel bad for him because he is my Caregiver. I pray for him to feel better soon.

Tell you what, wish we could add all our Dr's on our Income Taxes and deduct them as our children. hehehe

Let's see, the highlight of my days is always our adorable Harley Boy. He gets his favorite toy and will shake his head back and forth and let it throw up in the air and catches it and throws it again. it's like his entertainment hour for us. We just sit there and he does his performance nightly for us, we just sit and laugh our butts off. He is so funny. He has his birthday coming up on March 7th. He is so precious, I still can't believe he was in a shelter and had four families before we ended up with him. It was a God thing when we were blessed with him. Our love just grows and grows more and more each minute of the day.

Well, I guess that is it in a nutshell of our week.

Life happens, some days are good, some days are so so, some days have lessons to be learned. But, above all, these are days we have in our lives, I for one, Appreciate each and every one. I fought long and hard to still be here and I will cherish each one. I think taking on challenges sorta guides me with my growth in life. "There's Nothing to it but to do it."


Please keep in prayer: Lindy and her upcoming Liver Transplant, For a friend whose son died in a car accident, what is sad is he just got back from duty in Iraq. Sad, very sad. Pray for his Mom, Lynn. Pray that Allan will be back with us soon. Keep all are StrokeNet family in prayers.




From a Proud Mom Mom sharing the following note from our oldest Daughter, Shelly, Rec'd this on Tuesday.


Good morning! This evening Ryan and I have a meeting because he was chosen for a talent search by Johns Hopkins University. They picked kids who are academically gifted and are offering them additional education classes. We are very excited about it and after I get more details we will make our decision as to if he will attend


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bless your heart jan,

your presence here is a gift to the rest of us.


soar on!


your friend,


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Jan, what a week you've had!! I LOVE your attitude :You-Rock: through everything, you had me laughing--especially the comment about unscrewing your belly button so your legs could fall off! :roflmao:


You have every reason to be proud of Ryan, good for him, that's exciting!


And thanks for sharing the additional prayer concerns. Situations like your friend Lynn's are especially heartbreaking--no other word for it. And of course Allan...


I'm so glad you're here, Jan. :hug:



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what a eventful week you had with everything in it. good,bad, ok. that's how life is you get to experience everything. congratulations about Ryan.


we are so happy you joined our blogworld.




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