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Today is the last day of the Month, Let's MARCH on with smiles on our faces and a happy heart



:happydance: :yikes: Here I am with my Happy Jan Dance and when I looked in the mirror today .... guess what I saw......... A different person. I told Wayne, WAYNE, COME HERE QUICK, he ran in and saw I was OK and said don't ever do that again, you scared me .... didn't know what was wrong, OOPS...... I didn't mean to do that, I was just so surprised at what I saw that I had to share it with him. Guess, I was projecting too much COME HERE QUICK. I told him I was sorry and I would never do that again. When I took my shower and then I got ready this am, I looked in the mirror and I saw a different ME. I know, I know, there are skeptics out there, that's ok, it's just that I have been so down on myself for so long lately and feeling so badly for so long, that I have taken action and God has led me to what journey I am on now and for that I am so greatful. I was listening to my music, which is my safe haven, and the lyrics were: :serenade: I am feeling :peace: I am :whistling: a different tune to my days again :music_dj:

I heard LOUD and CLEAR, there is hope out there, I'm reaching it.... just got to keep leaning on God and giving it to HIM. Can't do it on my own, I have seen what I have been doing wrong, trying to take it all on my own, It has gotten me no where.


My motto has always been something very near and dear to me, it was part of the book I wrote, "Believe in Miracles And Soar" but .... I am adding the following lyrics from Third Day: I was listening to them all night and morning and I totally heard a different lesson to me, It's another "God Thing" a gift from God to me. Here are the awesome words: I adore this group and they are one of my favorites. I am going to write to them and thank them for the gift of their words. I want to send them a copy of my Book. It's ironic, in the middle of my book is a beautiful Eagle, Little did I know, that would be a big part of new journey. It's something how God plants those seeds isn't it?


Here are some of the wonderful lyrics that have touched my soul so much since this new journey has started. Isn't it amazing how you listen to music over and over and over and then a new meaning approaches? It is awesome. Guess,I was just ready. God is sending me exactly what I need.


Lyrics to Tunnel :

I won


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I could feel your glow through reading this entry. The lyrics to that song are gorgeous. I had taken a break from early spring cleaning in the living room and I now feel energized to continue my chores I outlined for today that I'm accomplishing on my own while me dear daughter (yes the Irish brogue is starting to surface a wee bit as st. Paddy's day is a comin round the bed).


Love you and oodles of (((hugs)))

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I can't sing or carry a tune in a bag but it sounds like a song to listen too. But then I can't write music either and sure can't read it. :juggle:

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Oh, Jan!! You said it all with your last word: AMEN!!!!


You TAKE your life back (!!!) and I already KNOW you'll soar to new heights!!! :happydance: :Clap-Hands: :Dance: :Dance: :Dance:


I hadn't heard of Third Day until Brian posted some of their lyrics the other night, and I'm joining their bandwagon!


You're loved beyond measure!!


And :Doh: I hadn't realized you'd written a book. How do I get a copy?


Love you, Jan







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Guest Hostjoy


Dear Jan,

What an inspiration you are! Your gift with words has uplifted myself and many others, I'm sure! You really are a Christian Soldier! Love you!!!..........Joy

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