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Anybody got a shovel?



I so wanted to go to Church yesterday morning, had the alarm set, had my ride all set, and then WHAM, had to call Debbie and let her know I wouldn't need to have her come and get me, why you wonder? It was a sheet of ice, it had snowed and had sleet mixed in and whatever else ... it was not a pretty picture. I was upset .... but, I knew there was no way I could get down the ramp. Safety first was needed to be my decision. God knew the desire of my heart. I don't need a building to pray to my God, I just love going to fellowship with my Church Family. I love the Praise Group and I enjoy singing and being part of the whole experience. I love hearing my Pastor's Sermon. I missed not getting Communion but I know Pastor Mike will bring me that when the weather clears up. Well, it started snowing Sunday am and it kept snowing all day and evening and it slowed down a bit but it started up and it's coming down like you would not believe. My poor lil Harley, he goes out and you can't tell where he is unless his lil face is looking up at me, then I can see his black nose and eyes. He is pure white. But, let me tell you what, he goes and does his "thing" and comes right back in.

His Momma didn't raise no fool..... he knows where he is warmed up. We were suppose to get over 7 inches yesterday and I believe Wayne has said he thought we had about 5-6 as of yesterday. Today, they are saying the 7 again. Who knows, all I know is everything is closed according to the radio.


I need a shovel for clearing our ramp, etc. but I don't need a shovel to shovel food into my mouth. I would stress about all this bad weather and eat, eat, eat, but guess what, not this time. I am enjoying seeing the snow, it's beautiful. We did lose our electricty. But, it is back for now. Hope we don't lose it again But, hey, if we do, we will deal with it. Speaking of food..... I am still doing good with my NutriSystem. The food is really good, it's unbelievable. It's a "God Thing." Ok, I need to come clean with everyone, I had Wayne weigh me and guess what....

Through God's grace, I released six, count em, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 SIX lbs. I am so excited. Wayne ever showed excitement. So, maybe it's not just another attempt of "diet" I don't like that word DIEt. I'm not sure what I call it, New way of eating? Food Plan? I don't want to say I lost ????? lbs. I am saying I released.... cus when you lose something you find it. I don't want to find those six lbs.

So, I'm on my way. I have a Counselor with NutriSystem. We spoke, she feels I have a good attitude toward it and I told her I am blogging about it here. I have a great Support, GOD. He knows it is a true desire of my heart and I really feel I'm going to do it. Ok, Wes, this is my GOAL...... I want to be healthy, I want to Live, I feel getting this weight off of me I am going to feel so much better and maybe I will be able to do more things. One never knows. Well, each day I will get closer to my goal and I will find out how I feel.

Just keep me in your prayers please. I need all the prayers I can get. I am happy. I can't wait to see how things go. Just one meal at a time.

Today is going to be a day I am sure without our mail being delivered. There is no way she can deliver the mail in these kinds of condition. I think about the homeless and how freezing they must be.

Have a great day today. Enjoy the day. Don't spend your time on yesterday or worrying about tomorrow, just stay in today and enjoy it. Make it the best you can.

God Bless, Hugs, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR




Wanted to share this with you all. I rec'd it this am.






Dear Father, giver of brotherly love,


How wonderful that your kingdom, your rule in people's lives, is

not a matter of food and drink, but of righteousness and peace and

joy in the Holy Spirit. May I, in serving Christ this way, be

acceptable to you and approved by others.


Let me and all the members of your family pursue what makes for

peace and for mutual uplifting. Let none of us, for the sake of

personal rights, destroy your work of grace in someone else. Help

us to appreciate our rights, but help each of us understand that it

is wrong to make others fall by insisting on them. Guide us to see

that it is right not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that

would make a brother or sister stumble.


The faith that I have, let me keep between you and me. Let me find

happiness in having no reason to judge myself for what I approve.

May I never do anything from the basis of doubt, because not acting

from conviction is sin.


In the name of Jesus I pray all this, asking that you will give me

love for my brothers and sisters. Amen.


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Hope any power failure does not last long. Be sure to wear snuggle and keep warm if it does. Poor lil Harley; I'm sure he is doing his "duty" quickly to back inside out of the snow and wind and the subsequent windchill. That's what we're getting here - the wind and windchill. It's deceiving here as the sun is shining; right now our windchill is at -1. Winter doesn't want to let go. Each day though we are getting closer to nicer weather. Think WARMTH.


Good for you on your outlook with nutri-system - the weight is being released rather than lost. The lost can be found. Perhaps when you go to the bay to release balloons you could also release them for the weight you are releasing too.


Your prayer is beautiful.

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Can you believe that we have hardly had snow this year. They have had good snow in the Mountains though. We did not make it to Church either Our son and DIL Hot water tank went out so We went to rescue them. I am like you Jan I need to be church or it starts the week out oddly. I am also like you in that I feel we can praise and worship without a buildng. But I look forward to church each week. Hugs Karen

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Atta Girl!!!


Keep the focus where is was originally intended, and miracles can happen.


My heart is very glad for your gladness and your friendship. . . Sis!


Live on!



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