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No matter how hard I try



I just took a look at my midterm grades and I have 3 As, a B, and a C. I keep reminding myself of that fortune cookie I opened a couple of years ago which read "do not let great ambitions overshadow small success". I just feel defeated. There is nothing else I could have done. It is not my fault my Geography teacher has office hours when I have class and is never in his office during the hour I don't have class. I read the book, I studied, I did everything. I guess a C is better than an F. but I have a feeling, my instructor only gave me a C for effort and so I would not be put on academic probation. I can bring my Biology grade up but this C in Geography makes me pull my hair out. Right now I am supposed to be on Spring break but I can not even enjoy it due to the fact that I am stressed about grades and studying the whole week so I can be prepared to do better. It does not matter that I have 3As and am 1 letter grade from having 4 As or that I got accepted to go to China. All I can think of is my first C. I do have time to make it up before finals but that seems impossible considering C was only my midterm grade and if I average it with my previous 2 Fs, it wont even be a C anymore. I guess last year I just got lucky with all those As. I was never really smart in the first place.

Anyway I know you guys are running out of pep talk about school so in other news I got my botox injections last week. It hurted really bad and I have a feeling OT tomorrow is not going to be less painful. but I guess no pain no gain. I just wish I did not feel like I was doing this for nothing. I want to believe that this will straighten out my arm and my wrist but reality is telling me it is too late.


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hey Katrina:


please stop focusing on your 1 C grade. focus on all other positive things in life. just ur 1 C does not define you. congratulations on getting accepted to go to china. I am very proud of ur auntie.




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Katrina I cannot even write my own name anymore I was a straight A student. Poof gone with the bleeds into the brain from the central line. You are doing the very best you can. Bless your heart. We are all very Proud for you and of you. Karen

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well, according to you the As, the china program acceptance and the hope of new boxtox treatment relief means nothing. your existence and success in life is defined by the C in a class. I am very sorry for your unhappiness and inability to enjoy your spring break. i hope with time you can come to understand that your school grades do not define you. kathy

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I think your adoring cyber aunties are ready to make a personal trip to see you and physically convince you that that one "c" does NOT define who you are. Can you make an appointment with your Geography teacher for when you are both available?


Hang in there young one - we love and are proud of you! Good luck with her OT on your wrist. No pain no gain as they say.

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