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Ahh, parenting teenagers



I be so frustrated right about now. I had an entry going where I was releasing some frustrating moments dealing with parenting my 16 year old. In the blink of an eye and an inadvertent bump of a button it was GONE except for the title. So you see gang these things happen even to the Stroke Network pro.


Typing it, although I was the only one to see it, was therapeutic for me and perhaps it was God's will that I only read it. He does not give me what I can't handle but boy oh boy I think He likes to push the envelope.


The issues I was having have been hopefully resolved. We watched American Idol together tonight, had a nice dinner, and had a heart to heart talk - tears were shed for both of us; the evening ended with a huge hug and love you's before she went to bed. I think I'll get better rest tonight as well as my 48 hour headache has finally subsided.


A special thank you to Kimmie and Jan who have helped me to remain somewhat sane (with my remaining brain cells anyway :rolleyes: ) over this trying ordeal.


Will there be more parenting issues in the future? You betcha! We're both human and females LOL but we shall prevail as we've done through so many other things. We've fought stroke together for 4 years thusfar so anything is possible.





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Donna, I am here for you 24/7 you know that. I am glad your headache went adios. Stress is not good for you. The only thing I pray for is you both aren't PMSing at the same time. If so, Look Out Loretta. You are a great Mom and She realizes that. Love will win out and God is in the middle of all of this. Growing pains is hard for teens. I am finding this out with my oldest Grandson. She loves you and realizes how good you are to her and you only want the best for her. I think kids don't realize that their parents have gone thru the "kid stage" themselves. I am keeping you both in my prayers as always.

God Bless, Hugs, Love, Jan

Believe In Miracles And SOAR

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thank you for sharing that story.

sounds like the shedding of tears last night was healing for mom and daughter.

i love to hear stories of healing, and it sure sounds like some took place in your life last nite.

good for you and your daughter.


can't wait till my kids are teenies (HA!)



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I can relate to your first sentence about frustrated. I hit the wrong button all the time not knowing what will happen...Boom, everything disappears from sight.


I usually just log out and lay down.

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I am glad things settled between you too. you are great parent with very mature kido, both are blessed to have each other in their life. My son is soon going to b teen, and every time I get frustrated with him I remind myself this shall pass too. we are always here if you want to vent anytime.




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I can totally relate to the frustration. I, also have a sixteen year old daughterthat knows exactly what buttons to push.I have already gone throuh this stuff twice already, but they do grow up and come to their senses eventually.




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donna, i too hope you two can call a peace treaty for awhile. teen years are the worse part of growing up for both child and parent. you have done a great job with kristina, she just needs to realize and understand a mothers love and concern for their child. she will someday have a child and really understand where you are coming from. life continues to give us challenges that we need to work through. hopefully things will now settle down for you. jan and i are always here to talk to you and help you through the tough times. don't give it a second thought. i love you and kristina with all my heart. i have been through the teenage years twice with boys and i know they are different in raising them. we are your friends and here for you, and i know this will pass, she'll be off on her own before to long. then you will sit back and wonder where the years went. please try not to stress to much and get yourself sick. that will be a bad thing. i have you both in my prayers.

hugs n love,


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Donna! I'm sorry to be "late to the party", missed this yesterday. How well I can relate/remember, but I know how close you and your daughter are, and was glad to read about the therapeutic ending, don't you love those? And as Asha said, don't forget we're here when you need us!




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Thanks for sharing Donna. The woops bump I can relate, I did that this last week big time and your right God was letting you get it out of your system and let you read it and destroy the thoughts. It was only meant for you, and so you go on in your therapy. you go girl.

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