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I've been outside digging holes one after another. After planting at the Rehab


Thursday Carl got another bug up (you know where) to go to the nursery and


buy more plants. Carl has decided we are going to have in the front yard a


butterfly garden. We've got a variety of perennials (cuz I'm not doing this


over again next year) and Day Lilly, and Asian Lilly. I avoided going out


when Carl went cus I wanted to catch up one reading the news and avoid a


confrontation with him to where I think the plants should go vs he thinks.


Carl has such a short fuse, the littlest thing kicks him off. So, let him dig


holes and plant (he bought, let him plant them :roflmao: I'm just kidding.


Well, that did not take long before he calls me outside and wants my opinion.


Now is this a trap for me to get engaged in the process and give an opinion or


do I just go along with what his idea is and agree with him. I agree with him


on everything and offer to dig holes and he can plant and fill up with potting


soil. I really did want to come outside and play in the dirt today. Between


the two of us we got what we had planted. So off to Lowe's to buy a


piece of plywood to fix the porch chair. You guessed it were do we end


up but in the nursery and we get more plants. Oh, Carl found a sunny place


for my tire to be placed for me to plant my gourds. I'll be able to attache


the vines to the front fence so once they get started their won't be any work in


keeping them off the ground. Just add them to the watering list. Pray we get


enough rain this summer.


Our raised bed we have on the side of the house is almost filled up,


I have 10 different types of tomatoes, about a dozen different pepper plants,


herbs, and I started beets in the house and they will be big enough to


plant outside in another week. Out front along the driveway outside of the


fence to the street we planted collards. They have been in for 3 weeks and


our doing quit nice. Bad news: someone walking past decided to stop and


admire but then pulled up our collards and took 6 out of 10 plants with them.


:Tantrum: they were still in baby stage, Maybe they could not afford plants


and took mine. They could of asked . I'm mad as hell but I have to turn to


spirit and say they must of needed them. Go on with my day. That's enough


of that.


I have not had the stamina to be out digging in the garden for 4 years. This is


a passion of mine to grow the things I can go right outside and pick to have


for my dinner and to cut beautiful flowers for my table. The joy it brings


to my heart. To share what blooms in my yard for other people to


experience joy in their lives. The last time I gardened heavy was in '96'.


Now that I look back I was declining and did not recognize it. I've been


hypothyroidism since '66'. My first stroke doctors estimate was back in '98'.


The hole started being dug when I lost my eyesight in my left eye. But all


the digging threw my years has sooner or later left me smelling roses. So I


use metaphorical the gardening. This is great therapy for the both of us.


No upsets, no conflicts, I understanding Carl has some deficits that he is


working threw, I'm working on deficits he doesn't have but all and all I


rather be happy and joyful than right. (most of the time). :cocktail:


Recommended Comments

Sounds like a great "planting" weekend. I, too, plant a lot of perennials. I love how they come up each year. I add more to my flower beds each year and that's the fun of it.


You'll really enjoy it even more in a month or so when the blooming begins.

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hey Jeannie:


which perrinials you are planting. we have done daffodils & they r huge success. our tupils was disaster since it bloom for a day & deer came & ate them so learned my lesson. we love spring & wATCHING other ppl's garden gives equal pleasure. so bless your heart for such a joyful hobby.





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