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Spring and the finches return




The first gold finch has arrived at the feeder just outside my window. We have alot of Pine ciskens and they are doing their best to drive the finch away. And my cat - she has had a great time chasing them all. She catches mice but doesn'tkill them. Whenever she runs for the door full tilt - DO NOT OPEN IT! Once she has deposited it inside, her job is done, leaving me to catch the poor mouse and freeing it away from the house so she doesn't do it all over again.


So much for the exploits of my pussycat Tiger.


Everyday is a gift. I should have died, but didn't. They tell me that I am in the upper number of the 1%tile of survivors who recover this quickly ant this well. Strokes on each side certainly should have at least crippled me, don't you think? Some on the message boards write about feeling guilty for doing well and that others surely deserved to be better instead of them.


No guilt for me! I am a survivor in every sense of the word - through coming through a horrendous childhood, through the death of a child, through many moves and then through the actual work of coming to terms with those traumas. WOW! Being cussed stubborn certainly comes in handy - at least for me.


Not sure what it is I wanted to say today. Is this how a blog works? Just jotting thoughts and ideas?


One question on the stroke message board was "How long do you expect to live"


My answer is- "Until i die!"





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