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Summer Break



Thanks for all of the positive comments on my last entry. I have more good news. I made all As! It was so hard but it was worth it. I was so proud of myself for making so many accomplishments this year. I start working on Tuesday. I am looking forward to meeting other people with disabilities. Every day I am thankful. It's like God has answered all of my prayers. I finally have a lot of friends, sisters, perfect grades, a boyfriend who cares about me, a job as well as SSI, and I am eligible to get my license in Jjuly. I remember when I though that because of my disabilities, I would never get any of these things and now I have all of them :-) I was elected vice president and queen for the National Cuncil of Negro Women, corresponding secretary for the Sociology Club, and I plan to run for President of the Criminal Justice Honor Society, and historian of my sorority next semester while taking 2 honors classes and doing research. Therefore I am doing a lot of planning this summer. I also want to do something for the Association of Individuals with disabilities. I have been trying to get the club going since my freshmen year but no avail. There is a blind professor I see walking around and I want to see if he would be interested in helping me with the club. He always runs into things so I wish there was something I could do for him without offending him.

but life hasen't been the best lately. Now that I am out of school, I've had nothing to keep me busy while waiting fo work to start. My bestfriend has been ignoring me again because she thinks I told her boyfriend a secret. I wrote a poem about her back in December if anyone remembers. She blocked me from her phone, myspace, and facebook and didnt even tell me why. So it has been really hard adjusting to not having her to talk to and hang out with now that I finally have free time out of school. I have broken down a couple times just reflecting on how much she used to be there for me and now she won't even answer her phone when I call because of some boy. She doesn't even realize that I have never done anything to break up our friendship, if anything I wanted it to go back to the way it was when we were close before he came in the picture. Then there is always the time I have to sit around and feel bad. Without her, I have no one to tell my thoughts to. Ofcourse I have new friends but its not the same as when I could tell her anything. When my wrist starts hurting, I try to move my hand but it doesnt respond, or practicing driving gets frustrating, I can do nothing but sit her and cry one because of the problem at hand and 2 because I don't have her to tell about it. Well I guess that is all for now. I will update about work next week and prom pictures will be coming soon of Jesse's prom.


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Katrina gal - Congratulations on your grades sweetie. Oh, and who said they were going to fail this year???? Do you know this gal???


I'm so so proud of you, You hung in there and it paid off for you. Super news as well about your extracurricular activities with the clubs and organizations. Will be looking forward to hearing about your summer job. Looking forward to seeing the prom pictures as well. Bet you were the best looking couple there.


I know how badly you feel about your friend; try to take the quiet time though as a chance to regroup yourself. Before you know it, summer will have gone by and you'll be tackling college courses once again.



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Congrats on the grades chicklet, you did an outstanding job. As always you have quite a list of accomplishments and have earned the right to be proud of each. One accomplishment which should not be overlooked and needs to be recognized by no one but from within yourself is how you've achieved all this despite what your initial emotional state and outlook was about school this year. You not only righted yourself to see clearly and not settle for mediocrity, but continued to strive in true Katrina fashion ended with accolades and acknowledgments for jobs well done and noted implications of a bright and promising future.

Very important to recognize because come September ,when you return it's Junior year, you're off the high of now and you begin again. Keep in mind then every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end (gee I wish I'd said that) but very true. You may need to think back to where you came from in June to see you may be starting from the same clean slate as last September but certainly can do it again.

Love you sweetheart,

Maria :mwah:

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Katrina: Way to go girl!!! :Clever: You have gone way beyond most people who have gone to college. I am awed by your accomplishments. You are an example to all tha with God all things are possible. Keep going ... your life has just begun ... and you are beautiful, inside and out. Hugs, Leah


PS I went to college in what you would call the dark ages !! graduated in 1965 and also was a do-it-all girl. That was way before my stroke; I don't think I could have done it if I had stroked young. But.., again, as I said, with God all things are possible

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