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Scary Spring Weather



Last Wednesday started out as a beautiful day when Misti and I went to the grocery store. We finished our shopping shortly before noon and it started sprinkling just as we were leaving the parking lot. We got home and Misti put the groceries away and prepared our lunch and the storm kept building. The tornado alarm sounded while she was cleaning up, so she left to get her 13 year old son. They live in a mobile home.


We don't have a basement, so the safest place for us is our central hallway which is where I was. But Paul was out standing on the deck trying to see the tornado. (I think it's a man thing.)


Anyway, the tornado's never touched down but we got lots of rain and some dime sized hail that really messed up my flowers. Some of our neighbors had water in their basements.


Then yesterday we had the same thing happen. Tornado's sighted all around but none touched down, and lots of rain again. I was in the hallway and Paul was - you guessed it - on the deck!


One good thing, our water bill should be low this month. We haven't watered our lawn in weeks.


I think it is official - the drought is over!




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Glad you were all safe from the tornadoes. Mother nature is definitely acting up in you part of the country. Yep, just like a man to stand out there to watch - was the little boy coming out in him LOL Sorry to hear some of your flowers got damaged - though better them than your home.

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