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Tomatoes - Peppers Fresh



Tomatoes freshly picked just right outside my front door. All that hard work in the spring is paying off.


I have to make it a routine to water in the early morning before the sun hits the plants, and the bugs can eat me up. Now I


can enjoy the fruits of my labor. I see those clumps of green grape tomatoes, just waiting till ripe. I'm thinking



of the perfect use. Fresh tomatoes with fresh made pasta. I can't wait to try out my new pasta attachment to my


Kitchen Aid stand mixer.


Peppers, all different kinds of peppers we planted. None of them will go to waste, example: Want scramble eggs: run out front


pick peppers, dice them seeds and all, crack eggs, add a little cheese and mix it all together and wa-la. A egg omelet.


Their are some really hot peppers that Carl adds them to what ever he is making.


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I'm not sure if I'm more impressed with your gardening or your braving the pasta attachment, never even considered it. Just dust the mixer off-it now serves as a decorative item on the counter. Although now maybe you've inspired me. Think I'll wait for an update though on how you did.

Good luck, have fun and enjoy!

Maria :friends:

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