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You know when you have a story to tell, you start at the beginning. I have

to start at the beginning.


When I was a young child I was a very sick child. My mother always had me at the doctors just about everything, now looking back

on those days. I am the youngest of four, all together 3 girls and 1 boy. #1 sister had a heart murmur,

the only boy was allergic to wool, #2 sister was normal until later in her life ( that's another story for another time), and then

their was me. Every one in my family was to say of normal size. I was a bit chunky. (like Ben & Jerry;s Chunky Monkey Ice Cream.) :roflmao:


My mother fed all the kids the same. Mom was a stay at home mom this is back in the 50's. She would have dinner on the table

at 6pm, dad would be home from the office and us kids would be home. I remember our dinners always meat and potatoes and

a canned vegetable. If their were a little leftovers some one had to eat them and my brother and sisters would say pass them

to Jean, Jean will eat it. ( like Mikey will eat it) :secret:


My first health problem started feeling like I was being choked when I would do any running. Upon going to the doctors and him felling

my neck,my throat area a large bulge result: I had a goiter wrapped around my wind pipe. Before I knew it I was in the hospital getting my front neck split open remove the goiter, then they used clamps to close it up. My parents came to visit in the

recovery room. When I awoke I went to speak.... no voice. The doctors did not prepare me that I would maybe not to talk for they might and did scrap my voice box. (I can remember this as if it was yesterday, the stroke didn't take this memory away from me.) Before I went home from the hospital I was weighted, 30lbs heavier then when I arrived. me and I gained 30lb. This whole event was very traumatic

on myself, as I retrospect.


My older sisters were harder n me that my mother. I took medication to replace my thyroid gland but I proceeded to gain 10lbs

a year from then on. By the time I'm 45 years old I know weigh 300lbs. and I stand 5'1". Another five years and I was stroked,

left paralyzed on my right side.


That's when something came over me. While I was rehabbing at home Holy Spirit spoke to me. I was fearful at first. But, the thought came to me this is my savior trust, and believe. Having a lot of questions about my faith why am I still here? I have more lessons to learn. I had faith before but, now I ask him before I proceed with anything.


Loosing weight was on my mind. I just didn't have the energy (I felt) to do any exercise to get the weight off. To stop putting the food to my mouth. My stroke was a blessing for me. It's extream to say that but,it woke me up. I got a pedometer and started walking around the park that was across from my house. I walked around the big box stores. I felt better.


One of my deficits from the stroke was no appetite. Carl would have to remind me to eat. That's when it was spoken to me (Holy Spirit) that

I never new what hunger was. I grew up eating by the clock. I now know what hunger feels like. WOW! AMAZING!

I drink water, water, water all day long. Breakfast: oatmeal. Lunch:soup Dinner: soup and what ever Carl would cook for dinner. I changed my

dinner plates to salad plates, when it's empty I'm full.


I gained weight back this last winter, the cold really effected me. But I was not going to set that back for long. My legs are not doing well so I started swimming laps. I can do my laps between 5:30am to 9:30pm. i swim every day for 1hr and some time twice a day. I love it.

I've lost 20lbs in the last month. My arthritis in my legs, arms, shoulders and back is feeling great. My pain has lessened. I'm trying to

cut back on my pain medications for numbness of feet and toes I have.


I have experienced gaining weight, find my self not being able to do walking like I use to. But, for me I have to move. Do something

you enjoy doing. I look forward to wakening up and doing my laps. It was difficult at first (even tho I use to swim on a swim team. Body's

change, you kno have large breast, that you think would make you float. They don't. I kept sinking so I took a noodle put it at my waist and with that gave me the flotation I needed. After a month I can swim with no devices.


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Wow you are an inspiration for many others that may say, "I can't do it." I applaud you cause like you said you had food and we had to eat all your mom put on that plate. So to take control, get off the couch and do something says a lot to me about what you think of your health and being around for the grand kids too.


I learn so much being here and reading all around this site. I take the little things and get involved for my own health reasons. Being able to accept and deal with your stroke in the spirit is about what I've done as well. I'm so thankful for what I got left. Both of us could be worse off but God is on our side.



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Truly a blog from the heart! Thank you for sharing. You have worked very hard to get to where you are today and you are encouragement to me. I plan on adding more walking to my exercise as I need to increase my stamina.



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Hey girl: Thank you so much for sharing such a personal part of your life with us, You know you stepped out in Faith. I am so happy you have done so well. Losing weight is a very long journey but you are never alone. Do you have a pool at home or do you have to go out to swim? Do you drive?

Just wondering, I love to swim, I used to be on the swim team as well. Always spent every spare moment I had in the pool. The closest pool to me is like over an hour from me. Otherwise, I would swim daily. I was looking into getting a lap pool so I could just swim laps, but, hubby said no. So, I will have to just pray on it. Thanks you for the first installment in your story. Looking forward to more. :)

God Bless you my friend. :friends: :friends:

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