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Well I have never Blogged before so this is a first for me. Watching Fireworks with small children is great. To see the wonder in their eyes and the smiles on their face as the fireworks light up the sky. To hear their OH and AH and the laugher is so much fun. I got that chance this weekend with my nephew Henry (23 months). There was a time right after I had my stroke in Jan that I did think I would ever get that chance, but I did! :happydance: The past six months has been very hard, but times like the Fireworks with Henry give me strength to go on. There is so much I want to be able to do with Henry that I can't YET, but I will! I will not let this stroke stop stop me from doing the things I want to do with Henry. I couldn't have kids, so the plan was I was going to spoil Henry, and that what I plan to do! :hehehe: I will not let the stroke stop me. I will not let the stoke stop me! :cheer: I just have to keep telling myself that when times get bad, maybe it will help.


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Hi Sheryl and welcome to the blog community. Seeing the world through the eyes of a child is quite heartwarming. Their enthusiasm and curiosity keeps us going when the times are tough that's for sure. Henry is at that age too where he is learning and curious about all around him.


You've got the right attitude towards stroke - ya can't let it win out - never ever. On bad days, know that you can vent and we'll understand as we've all been there at some point.

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hi volare77:


welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I stroked at age 34, & spent first year in huge grief over loss of my job my body, but for me my young son & hubby was huge carrot to get back in action & start living my life. for me blogging all my good,bad & ugly emotions helped me huge deal to get back to my life. today at 5+ years I am happy, content & better person due to my stroke. So stroke was just bump in my life's journey.




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Sheryl, you are so right about the things you never thought you would do and now enjoy. Ray had two major strokes in 1999 and while he was in hospital our daughter came in to tell us she was pregnant with our first grandchild. We now have five grandchildren and her first is now nine so many happy visits have taken place since then.


Never give up trying to make your life better. There is so much left to enjoy.




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Hi Sheryl: You are doing very well with your recovery and, yes, Henry will reap a lot of the benefits. I too did not have children. Unfortunately all my nieces and nephews with the exception of one live far from our home in Arizona. But I recently found out my niece here is pregnant. Not due till fall, but I'm already knitting a baby blanket. It makes me feel good that I can still do things for others, even though I can walk worth a plug nickel!! Keep it up...good things will come if you work for them. Leah

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