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Decreasing the hours that caretakers are present.



I am thinking of increasing William's independence. I will try to cut down on caretaker hours. An hour at the beginning and end of the day. I think that it is time to try some independence. William told me that he thinks that the caregivers have primarily given him company. This has helped with his state of mind. They are company. But, they do not do alot while they are here and they are a hughe drain on the budget. I cannot wait to have them gone ...but, I know that we still need them for awhile more.

WE had a gread walk in the pool today. THe lap lanes were really busy today. When we first started, WIlliam complained of pain in the left leg. Just above the knee and quad. After 15 min. of walking the pain disappeared. It seems that it needed a little stretching and walking.. That was good! I was a little concerned at first. Because, William does not complain about pain.

Yesterday, it was raining and lightening and thunder. WE had to skip the pool. We used the arm pedal and the recumbant bike. Five minuets on each. My straps worked well.

Today, William had his pills with yogurt and grapes for breakfast.



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I think that's great idea. I had full time help in the begining. other than company they were no help. once I started staying alone & doing lot of things around the gouse built my self esteem too. so it was win win fir us. I am sure it will be same for you guys too. as long as he can take care of himself during day I don't think you have anything to worry about.




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For your situation with William, I agee small increments of him being alone will be good for him. In my situation, I was on my own once I came home as y daughter was in school. I did have home based therapy for a bit so thet checked on me. On occasion, my Mom would also visit. As I was of the mindset to "do things" for myself she basically just visited.


To be honest, she was more of a hindrance one time as she overcompensated helping me when I was trying to get outside and statred wobbling. I ended up plopping on my butt in the doorway. By the time I was sitting on the love seat in my livingroom we both had tears streaming down our cheecks from laughing so hard.


Will he have a cell phone with your number programmed into it so he can call you if need be?

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Yes, William has my number on speed dial. William can actually use the phone very well. He phones my cell phone and my work phone. They are both in his cell's memory. Actually, I think that he even knows the numbers.

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I think that he primarily can. WE need to work on transfers and such. But, I have a spill proof urninal and he always has his bowel movements in the morning. I think that he will feel good. Besides we have neighbors that are usually just a phone call away. HE can always call somebody if he needs somebody to come help him.

He is able to go out and eat lunch with friends. They have been so kind ...they take him to lunch and I get time to myself.

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