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Increased Appetite



I am glad to hear that William's appetite has come back a little. He is actually trying to eat. He finally admitted that the hospital did not like it when he did not eat and that he needs to eat to have energy.

He is eating very healthy. He has yogurt for breakfast and some fruit. For lunch he went out with AJ to Paneras. Salad and soup. HE brought part of the salad home and had it for dinner. So soup and Salad for dinner. When I got home he had cachews and gatorade.

Tomorrow is up early for the pool. We should be there by 6AM.

Today we had OT and PT. We had PT first at 8AM. He had his special PT person. She is so good. She works well with William and is so encouraging. Really wanted him to practice bending the knee. She wants him to have a normal gait. Bending the knee is essential. So she had him walking sideways. I will try that sideways walk in the pool tomorrow morning. I had OT readjust the straps on the hand splint. OMG I forgot to put it on William. Let me go and do that now.

I know why I like the deeper water. It forces William to stand nice and tall. The nice posture makes it easier for him to walk. I notice when we are in shallow water...he has a tendency to sink down in the water. But, it is not possible to sink in deep water. I'm 5"4 and I am on my tip toes and pushing Willia along. BUt, just barely. I never tell William that I am on Tip toe. He would never trust me. But, he does well. He is taller and is actually just walking along.

I asked OT to start working on a Home exercise program for WIlliam. I need one that we can grow into. I got this idea from "stronger Afer Stroke" It is the best book. It suggests getting the therapists to make a home exercise program for you and can help you keep growing and pushing yourself.

He mentioned an appt for home exercise programs at a later date if needed. That sounds interesting. I need to learn how to use the e stem more.

WEll it is midnight and I need to get some sleep.

William was so good. He even agreed to have a shower after PT & OT this morning. WE just had time to stop by the YMCA and use the shower. THen he was off to lunch with AJ. I managed to work in the hot tub and a swim. Then I hit Kinkos and made copies that OT gave me. I laminated them at Kinkos. I couldn't help myself. A Vietnamese noodle house was right next door. I had to have lunch. I had to order to go. BEcause I promised to be home at 1PM.

My lunch was great. Vermicelli with pork and lettuce. The laminates are going to be used to teach the care takers how to help with therapy.

Let's see how that goes.


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