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Apples and clothes



Well Labor Day weekend was busy and tiring for me. on Sunday we went Apple picking with my Sister, Brother-in-law, and 2 year old nephew Henry. :happydance: Who by the way loves apples and tractors. We rode on a wagon pulled by a tractor out to the place where we picked the apples and back, Henry just loved that. He had Apples in both hands taking a bite out of first one then the other. He was running up and down the rows of tree with apples in both hands laughing And smiling all day, we all had a great time. :happydance: But I was so tired at the end, we could not take my scooter, so I had to walk, my husband did bring a stool so I could sit down for part of the time and I did. After we were done picking apples we got apple cider and hot donuts, Henry loved both on them. :party: After we left there we Went To my Dad's for a Family cookout, there where 17 of us in all. After the cookout we went home and I went to bed I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. :Zzzz: On Monday we took my nieces ( 16 and 13) clothes shopping for school at the mall. This time I had my scooter thank god. two teenage girls in the mall shopping for clothes, I think we were in every store there, some more than once. :bouncing_off_wall: It's Wed and I am still trying to recover from the weekend, but it was FUN! :Clap-Hands:


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that is living. Sleeping before you hit the pillow. I love the feeling.

Recuperate so you can be ready for the next onslaught of things to do.

Keep loving life. Let us know how the Saebo is working.


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I am so happy you had great fun weekend with family Iam sure even though it was tiring for you first time, next time it will become easier. I love those kind of eekends when u sleep as soon as you hit the pillow.




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Now that is the best kind of rest...asleep before your head hits the pillow! You keep on doing what you are doing and you will keep all of the muscles stretched and working. Enjoy the rest of this week.

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