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Shopping and Being out in Public



I can't believe I'm blogging again within a week! I gotta say what I didn't realize about prices of everything these days. Well, I went to the Malls in Killeen and in Temple, the Post Exchange on the Military Base and was quite surprised at the prices of everything but in particular...The Clothing.


There wasn't a mans shirt in any store under 15.00 which I am used to paying less but like I said, I have not shopped for myself in a while. My wife usually does the buying for me. Maybe I'm too used to Walmart prices for the last few years. Any way I kept shopping and pricing about everything I thought would be a good buy.


With the economy like it has been for a while now, I don't see how families with kids are making the dollar stretch when buying clothing. Then there are the parents who insist on name brand stuff which is near or over $100.00 per item. I looked at tennis shoes, sneakers, or what ever you call them and the prices are out of sight and my range for sure.


Appliances were outrages, a washer and electric dryer was between 800 and 1400 dollars each. I couldn't believe the prices. I thought about buying a new queen size mattress and box spring, the price was no where near what I paid just 5 years ago. I guess the one I got will have to go 5 more years and it has a 20 year warranty. Then they got these fancy payment plans of no interest or no sale tax if paid off in a certain time frame. You have to fill an application from the bank who the tax payer bailed out but deny you credit. So I guess the store gets their money up front and you end up owing the bank with sky high interest if not paid off on time.


Walmart has spoiled me and others too cause they stay full of customers every day and twice as many on paydays like Friday and Saturdays. No winder they changed their motto to "Save Money...Live Better"! I think that's a proven fact by looking at the cars in their parking lots when you pass by.


Then comes the isles in the stores, they are made for people walking, not wheel chairs or scooters. For any handicap person on wheels it's a nightmare to shop in comfort. The people pushing shopping carts don't look where they are going. They will come out of a small isle into a big isle looking one way and pushing the cart the other way. Even the bank isle going to the tellers are too small for a chair or scooter to go through.


Things were a little more open in the military post exchange store and they had brand new scooters with a smaller basket for the handicap persons use. They were lined up like a fleet of Limos waiting for customers use. A lot different than Walmart for sure. Half the ones at Walmart doesn't work. Out of order signs on most of them.


Well, I'm not complaining just surprised at the operation of these big name stores and the high prices that I hadn't realized had gone through the roof in my opinion. Of course those of you who get out weekly already know this but for me it was a shocker to say the least. We never know how things are until we get out and see for ourselves.


One last note, it seems like everybody is driving a new car, SUV or truck in my town with the big flashy rims and skinny oversize tires. I asked one guy, he said his set up cost him 6000 dollars. 4 rims and 4 tires...Not for my pocket, if it didn't come with the car, I ain't paying more for looks.


No wonder the dealerships and businesses got signs out saying, "We support our troops." I think our troops really support their business. OK gang, I've rant and raved long enough. So get out and see the shopping centers real soon.


BTW, the car wash is 10 bucks and up! What happen to the 50 cent and one dollar wash it yourself stalls? This one had vacuum free with car wash, I guess so, Duh! :yadayada:


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Fred, have you checked out the grocery store? Packaging is getting smaller and providers are charging the same for less and in some cases even increasing prices. It is definitely an eye opener.


And, what about health care? The price increases during the past several years have been "out of sight." Hey, remember the term "out of sight" from the 60' just made me smile.


Honestly, we spend our dollars a lot wiser these days and think more about purchases before making them.

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No Stessie, my wife does all the grocery store buying. Our two big, big stores here are Walmart and HEB. Two each within 5 miles of each other. Then we have two Commissary grocery stores on the military base. I do mean big ones! More check outs than walmart or HEB.


They serve 60 thousand families or more cause people come here from 100 miles around. One reason I moved here from Houston in 1986. I know about smaller portions, same price like ice cream is not 1/2 gal except for Blue Bell brand made here in Texas.


The Blue Rhino propane company took out two gals but left the price the same. All tanks got 15 gal, used to be 17 gal. When the driver told me of the change coming I bought 10 tanks to stock up for my BBQ grilling days and week ends.

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You need to get out more! Your wife is spoiling you. Yes, I agree the prices of things are outrageous. But, I am numb to the increasing prices. It costs what it costs. I run to the grocery store and a little bag of nothing is $50.00.

This sounds like when the president was in a grocery store. His experience was mind boggling to him.



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remember what you say out loud. if you say I can't afford those things you will never able to afford those things. I learnt that from your last blog



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