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Another Dr. Appointment



Does everyone fell like I do, I get to go out and it is to another doctors appointment?


The Cardiologist gave concern about my TSH level. TSH is thyroid blood test. I had mine

removed when I was 12 years old. Doctor didn't really say why he was concerned. But I

know I have to have it kept on top of the number. So I left the Cardiologist with a blood

test slip and I asked him also to request a A1C hemoglobin. When you loose weight as I

did medication need to be adjusted. Even tho it could only be 6 to 10 pounds. Now I'm

suppose to get the blood test a week before my next Cardiologist appointment, but that

is six months away. I'll take the test right after the Cardiologist appointment and when

I see my regular MD I'll get the result.


MD appointment is today, :cheer: .Get weighed in, take your temperature, blood pressure and

check my sugar. My name is called to see the doctor. I start with my list: I've been noticing

that I have this cough. Doctor say I am describing allergies. Take Claritin is will clear up.

I've been getting lots of black and blues all over? My skin is itchy and I put moisturizer on.

Right their doc says lets get your TSH.

I tell her I took it last month, she looks on the computer and says "your taking too much

medication" My thyroid gland has been removed, I take a pill that controls my metabolism.

Now that I've lost 10 more pounds which is great but my meds need to be adjusted. Then

we will have it checked in 8 weeks. All my complaints have to do with my thyroid meds.

I mentioned also I'm also having hot flashes. (I've already gone threw menopause).

The bottom lin e is, all my complaints has to do with my metabolism being off. When you

loose weight you need to decrease how much thyroid meds you take. Taking too much

can mean chaos to my system.

Before I leave the doctors office I need to get my 'flu shot'. My doctor is not keen on me

getting the swine flu shot, and I agree with her.


Recommended Comments

I love your take on doctor appointments...so true. I go in with a notebook now so I can make sure I ask whatever is needed.


Jeannie, why is there concern about the swine flu shot? I'm just curious for my own end. I have already taken the flu shot, too.


Hope you are enjoying these fall days.

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You are so prepared. But, yes weight does factor into your meds. Losing weight is great. But for the metobolic system you have to readjust. I am glad that the thyroid is what was causing all the ruckus.

I plan on getting the swine ful shot for William and myself. We have had the regular flu shot all ready.

Be good and have lots of fun.


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I love your take on doctor appointments...so true. I go in with a notebook now so I can make sure I ask whatever is needed.


Jeannie, why is there concern about the swine flu shot? I'm just curious for my own end. I have already taken the flu shot, too.


Hope you are enjoying these fall days.

The swine flu is a young persons flu. It can cause some ischemic like symptoms. Affecting the nerves.

We have less contact with the general public.

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