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I love having fresh fruit in the house.Once a week Carl and I go the the farmers market

and we both pick out our favorite fruit. We usually get what is in season. Peaches, Pears,

Plums, Nectarines, seedless grapes, pineapple last Bananas. Ok, now we bring it home

and have to wait for it to ripen. Grapes are about the only fruit you don't have to wait

to ripen but, bananas I like usually when I bring them home.

Fruit cut up on top of my Oatmeal with milk in the morning is my #1 breakfast. But the

bananas aren't to get on top of oatmeal. This means bananas are eaten by themself.

I end up forgetting about the bananas start to ripen and pretty fast till they are overripen,

I notice fruit fly's around.

I hate throwing food out so I throw the ripe bananas in the freezer.

Tonight I want to bake, bake banana muffins. I'll whip up a reciepe of banana bread and

put two of the freezer bananas in, fold in some almonds. Spray up my big 6 cup muffin

tin, cook at 350 for about 30 minutes. Oh, they smell so good!

Well the muffins are done, we will have them for breakfast cup of coffee.


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I am with you. I have some over ripe banana on the coutner right now. I was thinking about making banana bread for the last 2 days. Maybe today is the day that it will happen.

Yes, Fresh fruit is the answer. But, it is so hard to remember to keep eating it before it goes bad. I got some white nectarines yesterday. Delicious.


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Guest lwisman


Bananas. Forever an interesting item. Personally I prefer bananas very ripe. As long as they are not liquid I'm happy. I used to have a friend who called very ripe bananas "Lin's bananas." I was always ready to eat.


We also freeze when we have too many. I have a really good banana bread recipe. Yum.


In the part of the world I live in we have fruit markets.They are less expensive than the regular grocery stores. Usually they have the same stuff on sale, however. So, unlike the farmer's markets, there is not much local. But, there is some.


The best is from one's own backyard. :D


Enjoy your fruits and veggies!!



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