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Life lately



I went to a conference last week in Orlando. I also went to the first attempt of the Ares 1-X launch. Yes - attempt. Friend of Survivor and I waited for 5 hours & no launch that day. Foiled again! ^_^ It did finally launch the next day when I was in conference mode.


While I was in Orlando, I got to catch up with some of my favorite people. In addition to the launch adventure, Friend of Survivor and I had a wonderful dinner with her mom. Two of some of my most favorite women - they really crack me up with their unique relationship and perspective. I also took advantage of visiting with another friend, Chemo Brain (his term). Over lunch, we delved into some of the research issues that I have been battling. The thing is, when I look at the issue with the same pair of eyes, it always seems to look the same and mock me endlessly. Chemo Brain made some very thoughtful suggestions and made a Regression analogy to my recovery.


Clarification - he says Chemo Brain whenever he can't find a word. He had the most horrifying experience with cancer, chemo, and recovery that I have ever heard. That he is a fighter and survivor is a given.


Parts of lunch were very much "When I was in the hospital this happened." "yeah, I totally know what you mean - I thought/felt the same thing/way" It was neat to connect in that odd way. Never a comparison so much as a companion of survivorship. I am very thankful to have such intelligent and compassionate people in my life.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the Nigeria experience is 1/3 of the way through. Bob has been there forever and will *hopefully* be home on December 23rd. Skype really has been our savior. It is so good to see him, although the high-metabolism stinker usually fidgets into a pixellated blur :lol: .


Nothing else new on the homefront. The book project has yet to take off - my home computer is a netbook with a teeny-tiny keyboard. I need to get set up so that I can plug in a regular computer keyboard and whatnot. Eventually. Everything is eventual.


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Yep to a couple of things you said. Companions on the journey, friends who have expereinces similar things to whatever we have been through are very much valued. And catching up with your favourite people, especially women friends - priceless.


Hang in there, you are doing fine.







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Hey Sherri!


We love you too and very much enjoyed getting to spend time with you! Even though the Ares didn't launch, I have fond memories of getting spend time together!


I didn't know of Chemo Brain's clever use of the term "chemo brain" when failing to find the right word - very clever. I'm glad he was able to help you with your research frustrations. I love the way he explains things which is another reason why he's a terrific instructor as well as research scientist!


Thanks again for spending time with us! *hugs*

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Apparently 'chemo brain' is well-documented and common with cancer survivors.


Hearing his story really made me understand what others felt when I stroked. I felt so utterly helpless and awful. When you are the person going through it, it is bad enough, but there is a sense of ownership (for lack of better word - brain damage!) about it.

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