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We appoligize for not blogging,

so much has happend, good and some rough!

But we are wanting to post this message

to encourage anyone

who is just now starting

to recover from thier stroke! This

month marks the Anniversary

day on the 13 th of Jan that my

husband had a major stroke, along

with double psnumonia,

he had 5 trachs, he couldn't

eat or drink for 21 days!

He had also a feeding

tube for two months!


He got out of the hospital last March 1st, and then

he had to fly to Ga, when he arrived here, he was completely

paralzed on his right side, and he also couldn't see!


Both of his eyes we're turned completely in! so for several

months he told me that he saw triple at one time! Now his eyes are

returning back and moving to the center, one on

the right side is still alittle out of allignment, but

it starting to look like it's moving to the center too

now!! We had him schedule for eye surgery,

but after his blood tests they discover that he has diabetisis,

and so they told him that he would

need to have more heprin shots in the stomach,

but so he decided to wait, but now it looks like

it may turn on it's own.


We also have been able to level out his

blood-pressure, it is doing wonderful, Praise God!

in the photos I've posted of him, you can

see now how hard he is working to get well!

He tries to work out 3 times aweek if his

legs will allow him too, he still has the spasms

in his legs, but he is trying hard to work around it!



He's now able to cook, walk, and several other things now!

Just as God promised when my husband was in ICU,

He gave me these scriptures! ( PS41:1-2)


Even his doctor is saying he is a walking miracle!

They told him that he is a inspiration to them,

and they are amazed of his progress!


Even his attitude has changed, he has a bright out-look on life and

he has peace! His confidence has also greatly improved, he wants

to do more greater tasks, we are encouraged by his enthusiasm, and

his passion to want to be more independent!

I write this blog here to encourage all those who are just now

starting to recover from thier stroke, My husband wanted me to

tell yall, " Never Give Up"! He also wants me to tell yall that

" Yes, Miracles Happen"!// ? And" It Get's Easier Every Day"!

So, I end this blog for now, but we will keep yall posted on

how he is doing soon, God bless You


Recommended Comments

Lin, Yes your husband is blessed as all the other survivors still breathing.

Diabetes has that way of screwing with our eye sight. It's great to hear

he is having a positive attitude on his rehab. Keep us updated. Have faith.

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welcome to wonderful world of blogging. its great place to inspire and get inspired. I am so happy for you both. your husband has right attitude.




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