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after the ambulance is gone



It is 3am,

A thud, a groan

Shine the light

He is gone

Down on the floor



A pungent smell

Reason for rising

In the dark

Without the light

Crying out

Not again


Make the call

Which service?

Ambulance please

Man down

On his back

Gazing at the ceiling


Pressures and pulses

He seems okay

Previous damage

He's had strokes

Can he get up?

Turn on the shower ma


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Sue, I hope things are OK with Ray. I'm having an unusual day myself, still in bed, wife keeps calling to check in on me. I read your blog over and over and I take it, Ray left in the ambulance??

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awwww sue, i am so sorry you had a night like that, like fred, is ray in hospital again? with my damaged brain, i wasn't quite sure if he was gotten back to bed or if they took him to make sure he was ok. whichever i hope he is ok and not had another stroke, god forbid. i do not know how you manage to do all you do. you are a very special lady i imagine how tired, stressed and worried you must be. god bless and keep you strong. i send you both lots of love and prayers,



(((((((((((((((((BIG HUGS))))))))))))))










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so sorry. wish it was easier for Ray...wish it was easier for you.

wish i could say something to make you feel better. wish there was something

i could say that would help support you in the way you so very much support others

by the things you say, and the things you do.


you have now shown me that it is true....even angels shed tears.

and nothing is wrong with that.


one thing i can do is to say a prayer for you two.

and that i will do.


In Friendship


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I am so sorry. life is never easy for you and Ray. But I know you are strong lady. you will get through this horrible day. just remember tomorrow is another day and I will pray that it will be better than today.



you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.




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Ray is not in hospital, the ambos wanted to take him but he was on his feet and I said no. No services in the hospital over the weekend anyway as we all know.


He has been up most of the day and is now sleeping again. Apart from a sore shoulder and bruising on his back and hip he is fine.


Didn't get much sleep after 5am but I am okay so far. I always wonder TIA or "just a fall"? The ambos wanted to take him because of his prior history.


He will be fine, probabley...who knows?



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I'm sorry to hear of Ray's fall out of bed. He may have been dreaming and tried to get up by himself. I have had some dreams where I was walking again and when I woke up, I was very confused as to where I was and what was happening. Fortunately, I didn't try to get up, but it may happen in the future. At times, my dreams are very real.


But, to put the experience into the form of a poem is extraordinary. I hope you publish it. In fact, I believe you could write a book about your experiences that would be a big help to other carers.


Are you looking forward to Fall as much as I am looking forward to Spring? I am really tired of the cold temperatures.



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Sue, You really hit a chord with that beautiful poem so full of pain. So hard to get through these especially tough times but somehow we must. Ambulance had to take Dick last Sunday. Praying you will feel strengthened.


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Sue, thinking of you. I read your notes and suddenly losing all of my hair from cancer yesterday doesn't seem all that bad. You are in my thoughts and prayers as is Ray.

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Nice things do happen, Trev came over today and got the stains out of the carpet for me from the last few "accidents" so all clean and sweet smelling again.


I saw Mum today and she has had another seizure on Sunday afternoon so it looks like there is a pattern now. But she is fine really so I am appreciative of the nursing home staff for keeping her happy for me. They are trialling her on an anti-seizure medication to see how she goes.



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