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I am Kevin and I am a stroke survivor. I had a right cerebellum stroke and it has effected the balance and cognitive skills. I was a work-a-holic previous to this, I blew off family functions and other things so I could rest and continue to work. I am an inspector and I enjoyed my work immensely. I was in fact one of the best. I survived in the industry for 27 years and had worked my way up.

The stroke was like getting a little dizzy spell and going to the emergency and having it get worse from there. The day I went to the hospital was Nov. 14th 2009. That night in the hospital I was very sick nauseated from the dizziness.


I have been at home since and not working. This is very hard for me I have been working since I was 16 years old. To have to stay home this long is different and new. In fact reminiscing I cannot even remember when I was off this long. Anyway, I try to keep myself busy by being on forums and the like.


Anyway I know my life has changed and I hope to soon get back to work. It may or may not happen. I have no other deficits except the feeling of a bad brain injury and the fatigue that goes with it. I also have the balance issues as well.

The medical people say it takes six months for the swelling to go down etc.

I hope that is the case but I do feel the same since the end of December as I do today, Valentines day.








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Great start Kevin, now you see at the bottom of your page it says "share this entry." Then the symbols? You can go right to your other blog and back and forth to share how ever you like. Take care!

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hi again kevin, great 1st blog, i share pretty much the same story as you, workaholic over 60 hours a week, worked my way up and i enjoyed my job, wanted to go back but my cognitive deficits wouldn't let me. so i was medically retired at 48. i worked on my deficits and was asked to volunteer on site, that has been the best therapy for me. it keeps me busy when i was so bored before. i enjoy meeting others like myself knowing i am not alone out there and helping others come to terms with their strokes. i hope you are able to return to work. if you are unable to, i suggest starting the ssdi application as soon as you can. i tried to go back to work but couldn't do the mental work like i used to, i was the business manager for 2 nursing facilities, working with payroll and ac and ap and keeping the books. i wish you the best in accomplishing that goal to return to work. give yourself some more time on your recovery. it does take the brain time to heal. if you haven't already, i suggest you read a letter from your brain, under the classic postings in the forums, it puts things into perspective about our brain and injuries to it. keep blogging and letting us know how you are doing.

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hi again kevin, great 1st blog, i share pretty much the same story as you, workaholic over 60 hours a week, worked my way up and i enjoyed my job, wanted to go back but my cognitive deficits wouldn't let me. so i was medically retired at 48. i worked on my deficits and was asked to volunteer on site, that has been the best therapy for me. it keeps me busy when i was so bored before. i enjoy meeting others like myself knowing i am not alone out there and helping others come to terms with their strokes. i hope you are able to return to work. if you are unable to, i suggest starting the ssdi application as soon as you can. i tried to go back to work but couldn't do the mental work like i used to, i was the business manager for 2 nursing facilities, working with payroll and ac and ap and keeping the books. i wish you the best in accomplishing that goal to return to work. give yourself some more time on your recovery. it does take the brain time to heal. if you haven't already, i suggest you read a letter from your brain, under the classic postings in the forums, it puts things into perspective about our brain and injuries to it. keep blogging and letting us know how you are doing.

Thanks i have until may to decide and I will check into the ssdi as soon as possible they havea way to shut it off if I decide to return to work,


I am kinda ready not too if that is what god plans for me.


I can handle everything except the brain fog as I call it. It is an overwhelming sesation you get when you try something. Walt S knew what I was talking about. I have enough experience to do the rest.



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hey Kevin:

welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. As I told you before it is very therupetic. I stroked at age 34 & retired me from my highly stressful job of software Engineer. I tried going back on trial for few months but realized I didn't have that previous cutthroat drive to spend extra hours at work. Since I realized after stroke I was easy to replace but still made a difference in my hubby's and child's life. So decided to be stay at home mom & take early retirement. It was hard at first but I have found my new routine and I kind of enjoy this new routine. I volunteer whenever & wherever I get chance.






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