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Hi there. Easter was great, I hope everyone had a great time with their family, friends and enjoyed the wonderful food served while being safe.


I did not make it to the pet communicator, there will be other times. Unfortunately my grams is in the hospital so I decided to use that time and visit her. I am sure glad I did. She will be staying in the hospital possibly another week or more. For those that read these blogs please say and prayer for her.


I forgot to disclose this, or if I did I forgot that I did. I have joined Fred Astaire, ballroom dancing. It is so fun, I love it and it is certainly takes my mind off of those other things (divorce) that are happening in my life.


Butchy has calmed down since moving in, he is getting used to me leaving which is good. I am going to try to work overtime this weekend which I haven't done for 2 months and the paycheck shows.

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