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Life is again Good!



Life is returning to a sense of normalcy and it is good! This coming week I have a post-stroke anniversary coming up...it will be three years on April 24. When I look back, life has changed but I am thankful for each and every day.


Chemo ended over a month ago and not having weekly appointments for blood work, chemo, testing, and etc. is great. I am edging back into volunteering and in addition to Make-A-Wish will be volunteering at the Breast Cancer Surgery Center for a local hospital. I really missed interaction with adults when I was home while on my cancer journey the past six months. I am not thinking of cancer and/or a stroke every day...working in the yard with flowers...going to lunch with some friends...watching our grandson two days a week, and etc.


I still do not have hair but I have faith it will begin to sprout. Hey, I will settle for any color, curly or straight, just to have hair again. It is amazing how many people will stop you in a store or restaurant just to say they have been on the same journey or know a friend or relative who has been on the same journey. I find this happens when I wear a cap (thank you, Bonnie) or a ball cap. I had never worn a ball cap in my life but kind of like the light pink ones.


Our family (two daughters and I) threw a suprise 60th birthday party for my husband, Jim, on Saturday evening. It was definitely a surprise and we all had a great time. We grilled out and the weather cooperated. Six of Jim's eight brothers and sisters and their families made it along with his 88 year old mom. A great time was had by all friends and relatives!


My older sister came down from Dayton today and we went to lunch and shopping. I wore my leg brace and she was amazed at how well I walk with it (can't even tell I have it on under my jeans). We had such a fun afternoon.


Yep, life is beginning to return to some type of normalcy...and I cherish it.


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I am so glad to hear your uplifting update on your life and world. I truly blesses me to know that you are doing so well and that you are spending life doing all of the wonderful things that have such blessing. You are truly and inspiration. Hugs Karen

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so glad that you are on the upside of the road. I will definately pray that hair comes quickly, like you said, curly or straight, and color is not necessairly important, lol....


Happy to hear the b-day party was a huge success, nothing like grilling outisde that is when you know that spring is here.


hugs Anne

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hey Stessie:


I was so happy to read your blog update. you are truly inspiration. your blogs are so inspiring. I am honored to meet you in our blogworld. I am so happy you joined us. my hats off to you tiger fighter.




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Stessie (Stephanie),


I'm so happy for you, and I feel like you are one of my own sisters, not just stroke family sister. Prayer and faith goes hand in hand, you are in God's hands, our thoughts and prayers daily. I want you to know that fact!


Wow, one of these days I hope to meet you and your family, God willing in my traveling. Don't worry about your hair, again God has a way of making grass brown in the winter and green again in the spring and summer. Your hair will return like Robin's did on Good Morning America show.


My wife wear hers short with big earrings on purpose. I bet you can do that too. If not, everybody these days are wearing hair other than their own it's the style now. Glad the family outing was a success and enjoyed by all.

Life is good...Enjoy it every day! Fred... :Clap-Hands: :console: :hug: :thumbup:

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thank yu for sharing your accomplishments. I love hearing that you are enjoying life and going on. You have gone through alot.

You will look fabulous with your new hair when it comes out.


I am happy for you.



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