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Mixed Bag



Interesting week, I must say. Kind of a mixed bag. Speech discharged Bruce on Wednesday. She will check back with us in a month to see how Bruce is doing. Part of me understands this; his writing has surpassed what she can help him with, he has the tools to find the words he is missing and just has to use those strategies until they become second-nature, he has to practice with the computer keyboard and mouse, which he can do with me and the math will either come or not. He had some trouble with the checkbook this morning, but mainly I think that is because we both keep a checkbook totally different and now both of us are in the same checkbook. Conversation is the main focus from here on and I have people who come or call regularly, who understand that. On Tuesday a friend from Bruce's old employer who he has worked with for 25 years and another friend from one of his suppliers came for a visit. They try to come every three weeks or so. The three of them have a terrific time. Debi ran a fundraiser at her job and she raised $600.00 for Bruce. Bruce and I were astonished and honored. What a nice thing. Thursday Bruce went to work again and made it through three hours. He did two jobs and his boss reported that night that they were in fact live jobs (very brave) and were perfect. Today I signed him on to the StrokeNet. He read a few postings and then said turn it off. He has to write at least one Email daily to get him used to the keyboard. He doesn't mind using it at work (the amount of typing is minimal) but tires very quickly when he has to think of what to write. Obviously we are missing the pool, but am trying to work on other stuff in the meantime. Incontinence seems to be improving. He's done exceptionally well this week and part of that is going back to work and no one there to assist him in the bathroom. I have yet to use the Texas catheter. The Nurse part of me knows this is a step backward and we certainly have enough of those, but I am so afraid of setting him up for failure. We are doing Ruthpill's walking in the house. He still tries to get out of it, but I am insisting. Also out on the deck for at least an hour (to get him away from the TV). One step down to deck, but he can do steps with help and the weather is just too nice now. Also I have to have some time to get the yard in order. Arm-hand therapy is going very well, seems he makes strides every session and PT is working on balance. One thing I have noticed is that he seems to have forgotten his right arm-hand exist. If he has to bring something to the kitchen or bathroom, I have to continually show him to stow it in the weak arm or hand so that his strong hand can assist him in moving. Wonder if this will set in even if the arm-hand doesn't reurn? Thursday night he slept for three hours, making Friday a very long and unpleasant day. Funny how the mind exercises seem to wear him out more than the physical stuff these days. I am again thinking about our future and where we go from here: sell the house and get something smaller and on one level? His backsliding when I go back to work and me not being here to push. Getting things rearranged here in the house they way they were pre just to get back to a normal living room-dining room situation? Well enough for now. Rome wasn't built in a day, but the Neuro said best results will be seen at about the 18 month mark and we just entered month 15, so I have to think about that. Best to all this week and see you in chat. Debbie

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Being discharged from therapy seems like such a let down. But, I am always happy for the change and the break. I becomes a great thing once you get used to it. But, it is difficult to do the therapy yourself at home.


Just a little work each day will make a difference.


Just being able to go to work for a short period of time is great!! What an accomplishment.


Just take a day at a time. We have a two story townhouse. Now, I wish it was a single story. But, I am not even thinking of moving now. I just live on the bottom floor.



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