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Being a Mom



My greatest joy comes from being a mom. I didn't always feel like this. When my daughter entered this world, 30 years ago, she terrified me. She didn't do anything that Dr. Spock said she should do and I was convinced she hated me and I was an awful mother. Once she was able to walk and talk we became great buddies. We're so very different, therefore she opened me to her world and caused me to learn and grow in areas outside of myself.


My son is now 22 and was the perfect infant. Did everything the book said and when he walked and talked all hell broke loose. Today I finally see a strong, handsome, responsible young man emerging. What a gift to witness and be a part of a life.


The love I feel for my children is so intense beyond any words to describe. I thank them for being in my life and making it so rich. I am truly blessed.




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